Friday, February 19, 2010 at 9:45 PM Oh my. My computer exploded. It happened around 4 or 5 days ago, where I was just using it as always, then suddenly it lagged, and everything became sibei pixelated and all, then the screen went havoc and everything became lines and the screen burned out. Yah, damn drama for a laptop right. ): Shit lah, now I don't have any personal laptop, and I've to share with my brothers on their laptops Do any of you know any lobang, intro to me so that I can send my laptop for repair without having to pay an earthquake. -- Oh ya, we got our CT1 results back right, omg I was initially quite satisfied with my marks for every subject. Then blasted geography paper was returned to us today, I almost cried k, omgwtfbbq ): I passed, but it was a B4 pass nia. I know I've to try harder from now on, and that means that I've to pay attention more. I need some anti-sleeping pills to help me on this man, I just fell asleep 4 times today, in math and geography. ): p.s.: zomg, i passed math okay :O ! red, white & hearts. Monday, February 15, 2010 at 9:00 PM Okay, I may be a day late in this, but still, here's wishing you all a happy new year and the sweetest Valentine's day ~ Love y'all to the max, k ! ^^ -- p.s./ nb, didnt go to paternal side for visiting, so I "earned" less this year :'( never gonna be alone. Saturday, February 13, 2010 at 11:34 AM Finally, CT week is OVER :D I think I already lost 6 marks for geog, since I identified wrongly where the hell was Urumqi. But what is done can't be undone, so let's just wait for the results. Millie, Jaslyn, Xin Yi, Miss Teh were so sweet yesterday, they gave me (for ms teh its for the whole class) V Day goodies [?] LOL! Had to rush home immediately after CCA ended at 4pm + because I had to bathe, dress up and meet Jaslyn/Sylvell/Youshan/Sarah Tan/Flora/ Thidapa @ Pasir Ris Interchange, hehehe. We went to Seoul Garden @ Downtown East, to celebrate Sarah Tan's belated birthday (her birthday was on the 10th, but she was a genius and got herself ill) *: there's no pictures of us here, all of it is in Sarah/Flora's cam and Imma get it from them and post here soon (because my cam died) ![]() We took up 2 tables and my table (+ Thidapa/Flora) started ordering, while Thidapa cooked!~ ![]() Our table ordered Thai Tom Yam (because of Thidapa) for starters, and the other table ordered Ginseng Chicken Soup, LOL. (and I really do not like tom yam, thus the bear icon looking unsure) ![]() We ordered tonnes of food @ one go, and when it came, the opposite table's diners' faces were like in shock, that we could eat so much, HHEHEHE.(of course, we ordered more than the food in the pictures, because I took it before the rest of the food came) ![]() The other table........full of awkwardness... We ate and passed the food between the two tables ~ Then, by the time an hour or more passed, Thidapa, me and Flora were full, omg. The waitress person cleared our side and we were left with... ![]() Left: our table that has been cleared. Right: their table full of food, with more food coming at the back. We quickly settled the bill of $212, which we all paid for our own share and Thidapa paid for the earthquake, which was the GST and all. We left quickly because there was this super freaky waiter that strongly resembled a hippo with down syndrome that kept on staring and smiling and laughing with his Indian colleague at our table during the wholetime that we were there, and we were so damn annoyed and freaked out we wished that they would just GTFO and die. (: So, we took Sarah Tan's birthday cake that Thidapa paid for (what! she's rich lah! and she did it of her own accord too) and went near the Food Court at Escape Theme Park to celebrate hehehe. ![]() ![]() TA-DAAAAH ~ Damn delicious chocolate cake :D ![]() Cropped out the face because I know Youshan, Jaslyn & Sylvell would murder me if I posted their candid gongdai faces hehehehe. ![]() THE END ! -- Woke up this morning and chiong all my homework, and now I'm free to do my CNY shopping @ Town later :D ilovethefeelingandpowerigetfromacreditcard, teehee. Dinner later at Ah ma's house, (: And I know all of you have your dinners to attend to later on, ~ So, byebye for nao, love you all ~ hey, soul sister. Thursday, February 11, 2010 at 8:39 PM ![]() Ugh, this is really seriously not fair. I still have a final paper tomorrow before my CT ends. I just hope to get it over and done with, so that I can think about all the potential cash that I'm gonna get soonz. ^^ Ah, this week has passed incredibly fast, all due to the CTs. Going w/ Sylvell, You shan, Jaslyn, Millie to Sarah Tan's tmr. Her birthday outing, but I've yet to get a present D: NO TIME LEH ): Oh well, see what happens lah. Final paper tmr at 9+, and I'm done! Wish me luck, teehee. Bye for now, people, ily. EverybodyInLove, Saturday, February 6, 2010 at 7:47 PM ![]()
I like my position, but I need some time to adjust to the rules that I suddenly have to care about @ school. ... erm, aja aja fighting???
sorethroat, ): Tuesday, February 2, 2010 at 3:18 PM ![]() This is where I went on Friday, hehehe.
p.s./ onew is damn cute/sweet k . |
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