Thursday, January 28, 2010 at 6:40 PM ![]()
Take care loves. ^^ "thank you." Wednesday, January 27, 2010 at 9:44 PM ![]() This somehow makes me happy. Yap, taking things with a positive mind seems to be working quite well for me, so let's see how far it goes. ^^ Today, I realised that people actually have hope for me to lead, and they actually believe that I can. So, 3 Faith, I will not let you down; thank you for having that faith in me, I will do my very best to strengthen & tighten our bond as a class! AJA AJA FIGHTING! >D Love you like crazy, my friends. state of mind. Tuesday, January 26, 2010 at 6:12 PM ![]() I've decided to take on my problems and obstacles with a positive mind (something that I should've done, ages ago) Okay, the new week had started out fine, and it still is, so I hope that this will continue and I'll get through the week. I can cope with everything so far (yes, including maths). Anyways, I'm probably going out with Sarah Tan @ night this Friday (let's hope she doesn't decide to pon the last minute), so yeah, that's something I look forward to. Hehehe. You know, everyone's been telling me that they've already gone for their field trips to MacRitchie and stuff, and I'm always left wondering why Mrs Soon hasn't informed us if we're even going anywhere yet, since we're a Pure Geog class, omg. I think we should have more excursions. Seriously. It beats sitting in the stuffy and miserable classroom for hours at a time listening and cramming words on the whiteboard into our heads. Shit, that reminds me. CT1 is coming, /pengsan (faints). love today./ Friday, January 22, 2010 at 7:55 PM Tsk, everything gets worse by the second. Today, school was as usual, but I was somehow unusually tired. Slept in maths class, which I really shouldn't have. After school, had CCA Fair presentation, our presentation was a fairly short and brief one, as we didn't really do much except show some powerpoint slides and talk about our CCA & stuff like that. After we presented, we headed for CCA, and all the members gathered to play games instead, like little innocent sec ones. When I got home, it was already 6pm+++, and I just realised that one of my 4 turtles died. OMHF, srsly. R.I.P, \m/ Aiyah, thankfully today's Friday, so I hope tomorrow would be a break for me. Monday will be better. It will. I'll try to make it so. Aja aja fighting! ~ ♥ funnything, Monday, January 18, 2010 at 8:36 PM ![]() Ugh, today ain't an awesome day for me. The only non-boring time was during Chem with Haziqah/Gab. Some say that I regret taking art, but those words have never came out of my mouth, so please do not believe your ears when you hear that. I still love art as I've loved it before, but I'll admit that I don't really enjoy the long assignments and stuffs. Ai, today just isn't a good day lah. I've no mood to do anything except eat Bakua, korean black bean noodles and watch Dai Yang Tian on the 9o'clock show. No mood, even for homework. Tomorrow the "photocopying machine" in me will resume operation to copy answers. Just hope that tomorrow would be better, i love you all my friends ~ "half." Sunday, January 17, 2010 at 8:22 PM ![]() Tmr's back to school for another week of lessons. Omg, I've gotta stop procrastinating & complaining, and instead I should be working harder and harder each day. Tsk, 'O' Levels, must you really come next year, walau. I wish time would fast forward to the holidays, hehehe. Have a great Sunday night, peeps! I'll see y'all tmr :D big city dreams. Thursday, January 14, 2010 at 8:09 PM ![]() The second week of school is almost up, and everything's really getting better day by day. The class is bonding & stuffs like that. One of my resolutions this year was to pay alot more attention in class than ever before, because I haven't been doing so for the past 2 years ): And I'm glad to say that I've been keeping to that promise. I might not be able to update as often as during the holidays, but I'll try to do so as often as I can :D Oh yes, please tag before you leaveee, kty bby. I'm in 3Faith ! Saturday, January 9, 2010 at 2:40 PM Yah, and there's only 24 people in class, omfg. So anyways, I'm so damn glad that the first week of school is over, as that means 1 week down, 3984798237698236 more weeks to go before the end of the year again :D The class is cool like that, yeah. A little too quiet though, but we'll figure it out, I guess :/ Yep, we went for a 3day-no nights camp, and I don't think I need to upload of pictures, since all of you reading actually went for it too. ^^ First day we had some Fine Ladies Workshop in the morning. It was quite fun and interesting, but it didn't really help lol. Went to Gunther von Hagen's BODY WORLDS: The Original & The Cycle of Life. I'm damn happy we went there because I've been wanting to go there since last year lor. (: Then on the second day, ... ![]() Hehehehe, on our way to...somewhere. I think Sungei Buloh. When we reached, we went to some place & watched a short video, then we splitted up into groups and explored the place. ![]() There was this exhibition, and I'm still curious to know what's the name of this fish as I have it, since they didn't put up its info :/ ![]() We then went deeper into the place. ![]() ![]() ![]() Damn cool, since we can see JB from where we were. Super tempted to jump into the waters & swim over for a short holiday okay. ![]() We saw this Sea Hibiscus tree, and its officially my favourite leaf, as my favourite flower is the Hibiscus & the leaves of this tree is in the form of a ♥ ! ![]() I didn't know mangroves were this messy, omg. ![]() Mudskipperrrrr ! ![]() See the pretty paintings of whatever on the roofs. Third day, we had Art Electives, and I took batik painting. I hope I get it back soon then I can show you all how shitty it looks (: Finally, SJC's Got Talent! Okay, the title is not appropriate since almost everyone did singing and some dancing. (Like, wtf?) But okay lah, they had the guts to go up on that stage :D (Rename it SJC's Got No Stage Fright lah -.-) Okay, short and brief entry heheheheheh. I'm rushing off to tuition naoz. ): Back to school for lessons next week, ): badromance. Sunday, January 3, 2010 at 5:44 PM These few days seem to have passed so fast, and it's back to Somehow I just feel that 2months holidays aren't long enough ): Anyways, on the last few days of 2009, I met up with a group of my favourite people that I haven't met in such a long, long while (2 years??) My primary school buddiesss! Joey, Yi Xin, Pei Yi and Tao Pang :D We went to Cathay Cineleisure @ town and we watched ![]() Okay, at first it was awesome, because even the ads were in 3D, but nausea slowly got to me and everyone else in the theatre. I don't know what happened, but I got such a terrible headache, and before I knew it, people around & beside me had taken off their 3D glasses for a while. The headache was so damn terrible that I managed to sleep during the fighting scene at the end, wtf. I can tell you that the nausea & headache thing wasn't just me, as Xin and Joey also felt it & the people behind us were damn giddy-looking, rofl. ANYWAYS, on the last day of 2009, I went to Best's house to bake! Okay, actually it wasn't really baking as we used pre-mix instead. HAHA. ![]() We first baked cornbread (that didn't turn out as awesome). ![]() Then we got started on some 'Fairy' cupcakes of whatever, according to Best. Pre-mix \m/ ![]() Omg, the paper thingys were damn pretty k, carnival colours!♥ ![]() My favourite, orangeeeeeee ♥ ![]() And then they were filled up :D We slacked a little after the cupcakes were done, camwhoring on her computer & all, until her mom came back and we rushed to the kitchen, to make the icing and finish everything off, hehehehehhehe. ![]() Pretty purple glitter thingy ~ And truth be told, the cupcakes ain't that bad, okay. (ya, pre-mix I know, but with me around, things can still go wrong, but thankfully they didn't) THE END! :D Oh ya oh ya, I got my phone back from the repair shop people! :D School starts tomorrow. ![]() Picture credit to CHIJSJC.ORG & extra illustrations by me w/ the sole purpose of entertainment only. Friday, January 1, 2010 at 11:55 AM Happy New Year 2010 everyone! ~ It's a brand new year, and a brand new start. So let's forget everything unfortunate that has happened in the past year, and get ready for new opportunities and beginnings ~ Have you guys made your new years' resolutions??? (: p/s: happy birthday, sungminnie! <3
For enquiries, e-mail me. ![]() ![]() 28th april ; fifteen . CHIJ St Joseph's Convent MSN • FACEBOOK I (heart) Super Junior. adela audition blog belinda bodyguards charmaine cheryl pay elissa e wen faith fang wen fidelia haidah hau yue hazel jacqueline jallene jane janice jasmine ng joey joyce kahhui kahmin keshwin lydia michelle natalie peiyi perlin rachel salwa shannon tyan-wei yiwen yixin yu shan yuen ping 1Grace class blog alison amanda ang angela bernice cally charmane cherisse cheryl yew chowmeimei desiree seng eunice elizabeth felicia fionn flora hai qi inna iris jaslyn foo jaslyn moh jiaqi jiemin jolyn judith li xin michiyo millie monisha nadiah nina qiaofang rachel ng rachel tong rachel wee regina siti amiera vanessa khoo vanessa tan vernetta wan lin zhi min kaiyun shawn's blogshop anna grace claudia han wee huay yee irwin jing wei ling pei yi qiqing shun sulin's shop teresa September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 February 2010 March 2010 April 2010 May 2010 |