Saturday, August 29, 2009 at 7:06 PM HAHAHA TODAY WAS DAMN FUN TTM CAN! The SJC Carnival turn-out was much more than I expected, and everything went on really well; a success! :D Omg, I super want another carnival again lah! \m/ Some pics...but only like what, 5? Because I was too busy watching people get dunked, selling biscuits and being pulled by Maria/Sarah Tan/Rwee/Mao to go to the Haunted House. Zzzz, regretted not taking more pics, but wth. Anyways, I'm still waiting for the rest of the pics that were taken, as they're on Flora's camera and she's I promise I'll post them once I get them! ![]() Outside ... ![]() Inside ... ![]() 2H's Dunking Tank (from Mau, because I didn't really use my phone today) ... ![]() HAHAH THERE IS A VIDEO OF CALLY ON THIS. SIMPLY HILARIOUS. But I bet she'd murder me D: But still, I have to try: Cally, can I please put up that video??? PLEASE T~T ... ![]() @ the end of the day...I didn't know I worked out that much...:O ![]() Random pic of balloons while I was stoning @ our stall... ... Eh, sorry for so little pics once again. I'll post them up when I get them from Flora kkk~ ! Friday, August 28, 2009 at 7:20 PM ![]() almost Thursday, August 27, 2009 at 8:02 PM Hai. How was your day? Mine was super sucky. For real. Today seemed like eternityyyyy, please D: Homework also. Like what! I somehow don't get the Eng compre. /is becoming stupid. -- Omg, class shirt's orders are finally in! >D $16 tomorrow for them. Getting them on Saturday morning, though. Day of the carnival, hahah. -- Staying back tomorrow to wrap cookies. Ahhh, so cute right the cookies thing, LOL. Might as well help out in doing that, since I didn't do anything else for the class carnival, EXCEPT WORK 2 SHIFTS, thanks to rwee who insisted. hahahah, no worries lah :D -- Okay okay, gtg do my other stuffs. :D bye-bye, ilyasm! false excitement./ Tuesday, August 25, 2009 at 7:26 PM ![]() No mask like open truth to cover lies, As to go naked is the best disguise. -- Since there wasn't any homework today, and I'm super free (in a very long time) , I decided to start on art. But then, I gave up halfway, HAHAHA. Only drew the 2 outlines of the masks, and the designs of the eyes, LOL. Printer doesn't have ink, so yah. Stuck lor. ): -- Omg, got back History and Biology papers today, I only just managed to just pass for History 유_유 Lucky, Biology was much better, -- Omona, tmr's Wednesday ~ Idk, I don't like wednesdays. ): P.S.: Facebook's Fish A Fish game is damn addictive to me, k. ![]() Kcya, bb :D rain, rain./ Sunday, August 23, 2009 at 6:58 PM ![]() "never again," Friday, August 21, 2009 at 7:36 PM Heyyyyyyy. Wanted to blog earlier, but I kinda...forgot -.- Omg finally got the mask for art, and I know exactly what I want to do! Or at least, I think I know... -- TGIF, seriously. This gives me some time to try and get back to being happy. But I doubt so, though. Depression. -- Height and weight today; I'm finally 170cm! But I think my hair had something to do with it. ): -- K that's all for now, be back soon ~ ! Take care and ilya :D murder tomorrow. Thursday, August 20, 2009 at 6:42 PM I wanted to tear someone's life apart because of what she said on this blog post today, but I have no mood now. -- Debate. We lost. I don't think we have to say sorry to anyone, except Miss Tay. Yeah, I really think so. So does every other debator of 2F. You know why? NO RESEARCH WAS GIVEN TO US. Even if we had won, it was ALL Siti and Nadiah's effort. They did a whole damned lot when they're not supposed to, saving sorry asses. Class effort doesn't exist at all in 2F Anyways, I don't really care if we win or lose, although I cried lah. Like what Thidapa has said, it's just an experience for us, and if they really wanted everyone to win, they might as well get the pro debators to do it. Youshan, it isn't your fault; it isn't any of our faults. For those of you who weren't there, this was how it went down:
Wow, no wonder 2G won. Omg, hmmm. _l_ _l_ Anyways, congrats to 2G debators, you guys really did well. /gets lighter and kerosene and runs to 2G's homeroom. kings with no names. Wednesday, August 19, 2009 at 7:37 PM Eh? Hello :D Uh, this post's delayed for 2 freakin' days. ): Oh yah, my semi-slight-depression is back to haunt me. There's been an unbelievable amount of overdue work I've yet to pass up; and hey, it's not my fault alone, as most of them are group work. Zzzz, finally did them all and I can't believe I actually saved people from failing. Anyways, here's the pics of the Marina Barrage that have been overdue for the longest of times...! -- Went to Marina Barrage with Siti/Nadiah/Nina/Sec ones on Monday, and I almost became a murderer before we even reached the place. Hello, phuck-shiate-n!ga, it's SHINdong and not shitdong. The second one's you. We all agree. No worries. Anyways, reached there, managed to tear ourselves away from the rest and ![]() The start of a very long way up to the top. ![]() Halfway there... ![]() LOL'd at the gigantic words that read: PUMP HOUSE there. The 'house' word got kinda cut-off here. ![]() Ta-da! The top! Hahaha, okay lah, gotta admit, not really that appealing in this shot. Because I was focusing more on taking pics for my overdue CIP project rather than getting great photography shots. ![]() People are like tiny specks in the distance...there was a couple flying a kite too.../wants too ![]() Omg, i like this shot, k. The water is like, wao. And, Omg, can go on boat ride lor! ![]() Omg, people can actually go in the fountain place k, but we couldn't. Idk why. Damn visitors armed with DSLRs [?] ): I want also lor ![]() A pity my camera can't zoom in, lor. The sculpture of that man on top? It has a really defined package sculpted onto it, k. Sick? No, what! We all were amused ttm by it lah ~ -- Actually, there are more pictures, but I don't exactly have alot of free time to edit them in Photoshop, so yah. (: Ah yah, no pictures of us, because the sun was blazing hot and all, and I just didn't feel like it. Nope. Hard to believe, but nope. -- Got back Geog/Lit/Chinese CT3 results on dunno-what-day! :D Damn happy with my chinese and geog k, but kinda disappointed with my lit. D: ![]() -- Okiee, gotta go watch Singapore Idol nao. eleven. Sunday, August 16, 2009 at 3:49 PM :O ! I changed it again :D May look the same as the old skin, but it's not lorrr ! Did the header for around 2 hours, because I did 2 and couldn't decide which to use. Zzzz, don't mind me but this is the only way I can think of to relieve myself from boredom on a sunny Sunday afternoon. Homework? I don't even know if there is. Somehow some people have seem to have lost the ability and knowledge of how to use their mobile phones to reply back to me when I ask them. -- HOMEROOM SYSTEM is back! D: /dreads school tomorrow. anyways, take care y'all ; ilyasm! 바래 Friday, August 14, 2009 at 4:47 PM Blogger's back to its old stubborn self. Template's screwed. Tmd. Commontest week is finally over ~ And this is the subject that I personally predict I will fail: MATHEMATICS. Aishhhh, Pythagoras, Set Builder Notation, Probability all are simple to me, but I find the simplest of all topics, algebra to be the most difficult one. /goes to die. -- And, omg, I'm sick D: Stupid kueh balu, I ate too many then got sorethroat - (1) Then, the sorethroat progressed and I started to have blocked nose - (2) Then, (1) + (2) : I started to have a slightish fever, and I'm sick as of @ 2pm just now. there's still homework to be done. Tuesday, August 11, 2009 at 5:59 PM Eh, hay. Geog & English today was easy, but I don't think I can say the same for tomorrow's History and Home Econs paper... I don't like Home Ecs. Alot. :/ Zzzz, supposed to be studying now, but I really have no mood to. Maybe later, or maybe I'll procrastinate until tomorrow morning. But right now, I'm just gonna go write my fanfics and screw the CTs. 09/08/09 - Sunday, August 9, 2009 at 6:46 PM ![]() random. at 12:27 AM ![]() Zzzz, no lah, I'm just happy that my blogger thing is finally back to normal. /rejoices Hmmm, I seem to be picking up a habit of spending my whole day watching television and only going online at night, after midnight. Midnight? I should be sleeping ! 유_유 Maybe the studying for CTs have gotten me this crazy ㅋㅋㅋ Anyways, tomorrow's National Day :D Have a great night, everyone ~ nothing hurts like nothing at all. Thursday, August 6, 2009 at 7:19 PM Not a good day, today. Really, not a great one. Tried to stay awake during math, and almost failed. CD was the worst, when LS discussed the ND Fashion Parade thing with us; people dropped out, people were lost, and people were pissed. Zzzz, I was the only one who remained and kept my part. Rwee's now the model [?] and I'm the only commentator [?! wtfmuchxz] Anyways, Jolyn, no worries, I'm not angry with you. << for what! you paiseh, i won't be stupid enough to force you right :D Judith, I'm also not angry with you lah, kk :D I just told you to copy the rest of the thing but I guess you didn't understand it, so it's okay mah. Don't care about what others say ~ Wheeeeeee, ilyasm. Mau/YouShan/DaeSung (HAHA)/Thidapa so sweet, kkk. They gave me letters and Thidapa called me :D LOL, random, but it's still so sweet. /effort is appreciated. -- btw, heard that we won the debate? congrats! :D I'm not directing this at anyone in particular, but everyone, even myself. Don't take this the wrong way; I'm not complaining, just wanting. We need to have a better display of class spirit and unity; and we've got to stop backing down from tasks at the very last minute. Experiencing this multiple times in one week has really tested my limit. Come on, we're all in this, can we at least make this work? It's already August; more than half a year together, and are we really, still not that close and united? Two faith ah, you're starting to grow on me, let's make this work, aiite? ♥ a lack of colour. Tuesday, August 4, 2009 at 8:44 PM ![]() I'm not yet seriously hurt; I'm preventing it from getting worse. -- ` been stressed these days. Probably because of the approaching CT3's. Hmmm, I need to pass and score well this time round, especially for mathematics. D: I doubt so that I can, though. Ahh, seems like time's fastforwarded itself too far... take care~ |
For enquiries, e-mail me. ![]() ![]() 28th april ; fifteen . CHIJ St Joseph's Convent MSN • FACEBOOK I (heart) Super Junior. adela audition blog belinda bodyguards charmaine cheryl pay elissa e wen faith fang wen fidelia haidah hau yue hazel jacqueline jallene jane janice jasmine ng joey joyce kahhui kahmin keshwin lydia michelle natalie peiyi perlin rachel salwa shannon tyan-wei yiwen yixin yu shan yuen ping 1Grace class blog alison amanda ang angela bernice cally charmane cherisse cheryl yew chowmeimei desiree seng eunice elizabeth felicia fionn flora hai qi inna iris jaslyn foo jaslyn moh jiaqi jiemin jolyn judith li xin michiyo millie monisha nadiah nina qiaofang rachel ng rachel tong rachel wee regina siti amiera vanessa khoo vanessa tan vernetta wan lin zhi min kaiyun shawn's blogshop anna grace claudia han wee huay yee irwin jing wei ling pei yi qiqing shun sulin's shop teresa September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 February 2010 March 2010 April 2010 May 2010 |