Tuesday, July 28, 2009 at 6:33 PM ... ... ... ... what am I to post, ah? LOL. Survived through the day with Mao, Rwee & Flora ~ Although some people should seriously shuddup & refrain from scolding us when she can't even talk in proper clear sentences. :/ Walked to Rivervale Mall with Mao/Rwee/Flora/Thidapa and met Millie there, ate Macs :D Then parted after that, with Mao going to Rwee's house and all. Ah, e-learning tomorrow; gonna conference, much. -- Eh Chun Xiu, what you want me to type, HAHAHA. /waves. Saturday, July 25, 2009 at 6:33 PM ![]() Can you believe, this is the sky, unedited? I took it on the way home from tuition. It's rare that clear skies like that can be seen, especially since it's been raining alot lately. Aish, Idk, this is damn random, coming from me, right? HAHAHA. Anyways, omg, my post thing is slowly getting back to it's original state \o/ 21 guns. Friday, July 24, 2009 at 8:42 PM Hai. Post is in black/white. (: Went to Temasek Poly again after school today, with Flora, Marion, Monisha & Mrs Khoo. Poor Thidapa went home because she had a fever. LOL, they had to force her to go home. Anyways, sat through a what, 4 hour plus thing? We didn't get into the finals (but it's already considered good that we managed to produce something in time, as this is the first time we're even using Cinema 4D, LOL) But to be honest, if we did Stills instead of Animation, I really think we'd have a chance, because - truth be told - we all agreed that our Still images would be better than most of the others, since our Animation really cannot make it. :O Ahhh, after all that, Cabb'd back with Monisha and Flora to school bus stop, where we parted ways and I headed home ~ P.S./ LOL, flora/monisha/marion, HAHAH, I AM TERRIFIED TO TAKE TAXIS NOW. "I DIE, YOU DIE, THEY DIE". But hey, he gave us food. I like food. And pssst, I kept my "promise" kay, I didn't reveal what he said. :D zomg what? Tuesday, July 21, 2009 at 7:53 PM Eh, whadderphuck. My blogger is damn screwed up lah. It's like, you know the text box where you type your new post with the tools such as font colour/size/style ? Those things are now all freakin' gone for some reason, and I literally spent like almost an hour trying to fix it but it still turns out the same D: All I'm left with is a small box no bigger than 5 inches wide & 3 inches long to type. So, this post is gonna be like some sucky newspaper report that you never read the end of. Zzzz, does anyone know why my blogger is being sucha mf biatch ?! D: /today. Friday, July 17, 2009 at 8:28 PM Mrt'd to Plaza Sing with Millie/Lixin/Chow after school, then met Regina and her friend there (: Watched Harry Potter & the Half-Blood Prince. Instead of buying normal movie theatre food, we went to buy a whole cheesecake and 2 boxes of sushi from Carrefour, and drinks from Starbucks, LOL wth much. Actually, I must confess - this sixth movie of Harry Potter was the worst for me; I didn't get most of alot of things, and it...sucked, yeah, or at least, for me, it did. :/ Anyways, I think Tom Felton's hot. Like, major, majorly hot. -spazzes- For the first time, I wanted to see more of him in the show than Harry. HAHAHAHA -gets bricked- Ahhh, anyways, I think the movie lasted 2.5hrs plus or so, because by the time it ended, it was 5.45pm + Headed home by train with Millie/Regina and Chowzxz. (: Zzzzzzzz, did homework, and I am currently unhappily and unwillingly nursing an incredibly bad headache. ): P.S.: Chow, :> Wednesday, July 15, 2009 at 9:09 PM ![]() semi-abandoned my fic comm in livejournal, omg. and I'm currently thinking of reviving it, so I'm writing a fanfic. Angst, probably. Zzzz, truth be told, I'm posting this because I'm really bored. & I feel like getting a white camera, and customize it with huge sapphire blue polka dots/stripes. LOL, i'm crazy atm & i haven't had dinner, fml. ): hai. 8B Tuesday, July 14, 2009 at 6:13 PM 人生是什么颜色? "What is the color of life?" -- Hi. I don't like Apoc*. HAHAH. *I don't know, I just can't think of a word to describe. Haha, so I'll just stick to Flora's suggestion. How can you accuse me of talking when my mouth isn't open, Apoc? Tsk tsk, I take my Flexi ruler and throw at you(: -- Ahhhhhhh, I have to pry my eyes open with toothpicks or something. Because now, I'm even getting scolded in tuition classes for sleeping -_- Tomorrow's halfway through another week, and I just have to keep this up for a little longer till the exams arrive and then the holidays after that. \m/ -- Btw, who wants to watch Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince / Threads of Destiny ?
PM me, ktysm (: ! Friday, July 10, 2009 at 4:00 PM ![]() Happy birthday, heenim. -- Got totally drenched in the rain on the way to Whitesands after school today. Bus'd there with Mao/Rwee/Flora! We were there only for a while, though. Ugh, still can't find the gdmned home econs book.
omg, yes, im (still) alive. Thursday, July 9, 2009 at 3:52 PM ![]() HAI ~ these few days, i only get to sleep 3 or 4 hours, max. super tired, and i don't know why i stay up so late for, anyways. homework's alot, but i'm still coping. so i don't know why i'm not sleeping enough :/ -- went to rwee's house on tuesday, because mao had to do her geog, and i just went there to sit down, watch cable and youtube videos :D went to J8 with rachel ng on youth day, too. watched land of the lost, because i do not like shows like transformers, and i am not brave enough to watch drag me to hell, and there were only two single seperated seats left for ice age 3. but anyways, movie was kinda funny. (: -- the number of times that i get scolded in school per day has reduced, so i guess that's one good thing out of the many bad ones. and mostly, i either get scolded for sleeping, or talking. -- omg, another week's gonna end soon; and the homeroom system is gonna be resumed next week, yah? -dies- no, i do not want to climb all the way to the fourth floor on a early monday morning for geography. ): -- okay, gtg nao. homework. D8 how come when there's only so little, i feel like there's alot that's yet to be done ~ ` be updating through twitter on my phone often; so yap. take care, and ily all :D
how can i be with another, Friday, July 3, 2009 at 9:08 PM YES OMG \o/ Finally the weekends are here. 5 days' worth of exposure of hell is really making me stressed and irritated ttm. Is it me, or is the amount of homework we're getting since school reopened has been alot more than usual. And I don't think it's me. Stayed back in school today to do the chinese blog thing that LS wanted, but 靠, even the school library computers didn't want me to hand in and wanted me to get more blue booking forms, because THEY DIDN'T HAVE THE DAMN CHINESE THINGY. So, I just printed my Geog project [?] and went to Mao's house to use her com. But, her com in the end also didn't have, and I ended up using the Google Translator, translating one word by one word. Click here to see my fail. HAHAH Spent the whole day at her house, mainly doing homework, watching videos of SNSD (-_-), SHINee, SJ, all lol. Came back home around 7pm + and here I am nao :D the angel's best. Wednesday, July 1, 2009 at 8:33 PM Happy Birthday, Teukie ! ♥ --- The 82 bus' tapping thingy for the card thing was spoilt, so everyone had a free trip :D OMG! LS didn't scold me today, -accomplished- And I "resumed" PE again, for the first time in a year. I shouldn't have. Bad move. Back aches and I'm tired like crazy. School dragged on forever too; so not helping -__- --- Finally submitted the animation thing! \o/ And, omg, so many of my friends are having flu now, everyone, please take care!~ |
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