Sunday, May 31, 2009 at 6:39 PM T~T Omona, precious $520 on a single product. Ah~ my precious three-digits ! ): Parting with you is so difficult~ When you left my pocket, my heart hurt so bad~ D< -deflates- I'm going broke soon, very, very soon. I still need to spend another $100 + during the holidays... Tsk, don't ask me why that amount; I just need to~ my slight bankruptcy aside, how are your holidays coming along? (well actually, it's just Day 2, but whatever, it's still the holidays) /flailsarms. Thursday, May 28, 2009 at 4:20 PM ![]() Last day of school today [?] ! Today is also exactly one year after my operation B) Exactly one year ago today, I was crying like //// cause the operation hurt like //// and the morphine wasn't helping one ////ing bit. Ah, anyways, I have survived ! :D Had spring cleaning today, but I didn't really do much, since I didn't bring any rags or whatever. CCA & House Leadership thing, then I forgot alr -.- AHHHH, FREEDOM IS WAITING FOR ME NAO. Update soon, prolly with a new blog layout again !
^^ Wednesday, May 27, 2009 at 7:28 PM ![]() The holidays are almostttttttttt here !~ But hor, still need go for holiday class. sdakljflaskdj
p.s.: happy birthday to my bro <3 ! and i'm back! Monday, May 25, 2009 at 5:05 PM Super sorry for the delayed entry. Argh, my laptop is being a big fat b/tch and it isn't allowing me to transfer photos from my phone to it via bluetooth/USB. @#$%^&*)#*&%&*^&$^ Hence, this will be a picture-less post. ): Okay, so on Thursday, Friday & Saturday, me/flora/thidapa/marion/monisha went down to Temasek Polytechnic to learn some Cinema 4D thing. Ahhhh, it sucked at first because it was difficult [?], but after the second day, it started to be alright. :D For pictures, please head to Flora's blog -directs traffic- Kty. Ah, finally saw my marks for all my subjects today; OMFHJC, THANK GOD I ONLY FAILED ONE SUBJECT <--- I know i shouldn't be celebrating. Luckily I passed! -smiles- And today, we learnt Photoshop! CAN YOU SAY F-I-N-A-L-L-Y~ Omgah, ;sljglksgsakhald;jhld . Okay, that's all for nao. Sorry no piccys; as I've said before, laptop's being a wonderful S.O.B. jasmine is... Wednesday, May 20, 2009 at 3:34 PM disappointed. lkasjdal;jksdaksjdkfsakdlkjaljdkjsaldkhsafdjasl;fk;sakfskajfskaak lakjf;gkglka;skga;kgalkgkga;gk/sgjsahgajshkdjfsalkjlaskjgsalkjgal slkjfalskgjskjgkshfhjaklssaeirueorpqwafoiewrqpiwa/lksjgsaglsjga qwiopruasifdusahfsgisogeiotjsoruiweiruwoetioqwifysdhfsagksiur slakjglsakgjksgkksjgasgkjsagjshjhejhryweahfasduhfsisjgksghshge klsajfalsfwierhgsaugeirysghsdlisgusgsgjsgksdftsjfsgukerlawoeaus FAIL. FAIL. FAIL. FAIL. Next up: Chinese, History, Geography, Home Econs, Art = FAIL. I swear on my life, I don't care anymore. Math. I failed. For a major exam. For the first time. Ever. Anyways, see that little weird Nuffnang thing at the side, there? >>> Don't worry, my blog's not screwed ~ If I've no time to blog long proper posts here, I'll update it there >>> It works like Twitter, I guess. Just click on the "Status" tab B) Bye, I'm going to drown in my failure nao. B) Monday, May 18, 2009 at 5:12 PM ![]() The. Exams. Are. Over. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH *celebrates* Oh, but the results ... -BANG HEAD HERE- Went to town with Tongs/Eunice/Millie today, wanted to watch Angels & Demons but ended up watching 17 Again. Ah, I know we're like 987654567890 days late for watching it, but, who cares, and in the end, it's not that bad. (: Omg, I still want to watch A&D! I read the book (thanks to Peiyi) a few years ago and I was in love with it. It's simply genius ~ Anyways! Peeps, enjoy your one-day of freedom tomorrow ~ look at the time! Sunday, May 17, 2009 at 11:13 PM Okay, I know it's not super late, but it's just another hour till midnight and I still haven't finished my Home Econs revision. It's like, I started revising at 3pm and finally gave the hell up just a few seconds ago. Omfjc, 9 hours of staring at pictures of food and cramming their whatever information into my already bursting brain! I mean, come on, lah. In my personal opinion, in which I am totally not insulting the education system or anyone that actually studies the textbook, Food is food. Just eat it, and shut up. Scared tio diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, etc, then stay anorexic, where you can die faster. End of story. And not 7 wonderful chapters -.- I need to go brace myself for the full blown failure that's going to hit me in the face tomorrow. :D dlsfglskasl/ Thursday, May 14, 2009 at 12:55 PM ![]() the exams...they're giving me mood swings, lor. history on tuesday was almost killer, but i managed to scribble down some final stuff before time was up. goegraphy, oh man, it made me so happy, can! super easy. and so, I was happy. then came general science today. Hello, can I go jump off the tallest building in Singapore now? I left like, literally the whole 2 pages blank, cause I couldn't be bothered to look at the diagrams of whatever circuits. and I didn't expect Chemistry to be that difficult, too. -sighs- anyways, the paper can't be blamed, I guess. I probably found it impossible to do because I didn't study and was watching tv* the whole day. oh well, gotta go study math (yeah, right!) now! :D *actually, it was because my laptop had some sh/tty problem, because literally, for every 5 seconds, it lagged and I had to restart it. I got so mad that I threw my laptop hard onto the floor, but it didn't break -.- and, now, I just randomly chose a start-up setting, and it's use-able again! -occassional genius- p.s.: i finally got super junior's album! thanks MMDP for bringing me there~ BUT, I WANT THE REPACKAGE. I WANT I WANT I WANT I WANT! p.p.s.: go listen to "It's You" 8D (sorry for late update, com siao lah!) Sunday, May 10, 2009 at 9:22 AM Happy Mother's Day to all mothers ~ especially you, mummy! <3
failure's on the way. Thursday, May 7, 2009 at 11:34 AM I foresee an F9 for my Literature paper. yes, failure still comes even though I've held on to that pen for 2 hours straight, not letting it go, letting its dark blue ink fill my paper with words directed from my brain. but i must say, my brain must've been sleeping, today. (-┏) oh this ain't bullsh/t, i really screwed this up badly. and when I get back my paper, I'm sure I'll be as dead as my tagboard.
myes are here ~ Sunday, May 3, 2009 at 2:05 PM ![]() -is energized after seeing that gif- I know, studying is certainly no fun. There's no fun in opening up the textbook, picking up your pen and writing notes. But! Stay strong and persevere for a while more! Because the MYEs are here (duh, like you didn't already know) ! And then, after when it's over and done with, it is when we get our freedom back once again ~ So, for now... Everyone, study ~
8D Friday, May 1, 2009 at 7:16 PM ![]() I actually convinced myself to stop procrastinating and start revising! Actually, I started on my Art yesterday, but I only managed to fully complete 1/3 of the first page in 3 hours (-┏) But, it took me 5 hours today to get just my Chemistry + Physics + Biology revision done. Now, I've to do the same for my Geography and History. How about you guys? Have you been studying? >:] reply to tags: Jolyn: thanks :D and it's alright! RACHEL: who is the..."he"? wait, your church senior? or ducky. Ah, idgaf. KAHHUI: Hello pretty ~ ! Flora: I'm doing procession but not Mardi Gras! :O Anyways, thanks and high five! :D JIEMIN!: HAHA, thanks alot, then! :D MCMM: Ahh~you're no idiot! :D and thanks! Jane :D: THANK YOU! IMY SO MUCHIE ~ |
For enquiries, e-mail me. ![]() ![]() 28th april ; fifteen . CHIJ St Joseph's Convent MSN • FACEBOOK I (heart) Super Junior. adela audition blog belinda bodyguards charmaine cheryl pay elissa e wen faith fang wen fidelia haidah hau yue hazel jacqueline jallene jane janice jasmine ng joey joyce kahhui kahmin keshwin lydia michelle natalie peiyi perlin rachel salwa shannon tyan-wei yiwen yixin yu shan yuen ping 1Grace class blog alison amanda ang angela bernice cally charmane cherisse cheryl yew chowmeimei desiree seng eunice elizabeth felicia fionn flora hai qi inna iris jaslyn foo jaslyn moh jiaqi jiemin jolyn judith li xin michiyo millie monisha nadiah nina qiaofang rachel ng rachel tong rachel wee regina siti amiera vanessa khoo vanessa tan vernetta wan lin zhi min kaiyun shawn's blogshop anna grace claudia han wee huay yee irwin jing wei ling pei yi qiqing shun sulin's shop teresa September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 February 2010 March 2010 April 2010 May 2010 |