Monday, March 30, 2009 at 9:50 PM Hello, sorry for the super late update; I've been having trouble Bluetoothing the pictures to my lappy, and I've spent forever editing them! (I only edited like 3/4 of the pictures, mind you!) We gathered and left for the Peranakan Museum at 1.30pm. ![]() ![]() ![]() (ps, I've edited only so little pics, because the programme took forever to load!) We then went into the gallery which had the theme "Religion" and exhibited...exhibits that were related to death... ![]() "Visitors - Please Note The subject of death will be featured in the next section. Parental guidance is advised." ![]() ![]() Then, we moved on into another gallery, displaying beadworks and all... ![]() See! Omg, so nice, right! Then we boarded the bus and went to take a look around some Peranakan-themed houses... ![]() ![]() ![]() Bought some nonya kueh and headed back to school ~ OKAY I GTG, BB. ![]() Reply of tags: Passer:LOL, wait, at least tell me what class are you from? My class? Iris: Yes! Omg, so sexy, even with tears! LOLOL IDKWHATIMSAYING. Salwa: HAHAHA, "SORRY SORRY SORRY SORRY." PLEASE LOVE SUPER JUNIOR! Pei Yi: I'll see first? Then MSN you :D name: Shuddup you mofo. Rachel Leong Lai Shunn. HAHAH Peegeok: Lol, do you know who it is? :/ raCHEL(:: HAHAHA, FOOD IS FOR EATING, WHAT!
i've got my angel, now. Saturday, March 28, 2009 at 8:11 PM Haven't been posting for 9875432134567 days, because of: reason #1: I've been really, really sleepy - I slept in classes and I'm super sorry. I ate sweets to keep me awake, but I slept on in class anyways T~T I sleep at 11pm at home, when I usually go to bed at 1am... ): Even worse if it's coffee; coffee seems to make me sleep instead of keeping me awake. reason #2: Google cheated my feelings - I wanted to blog yesterday-yesterday, but I couldn't access Blogger AT ALL, and the Google error page keeps popping up in my face. Anyways, I'm tired yet happy! Yesterday, Super Junior's "Sorry, Sorry" won first in Music Bank! ![]() AHHHHH, don't cry, don't cry, oppas! *literally cries* That totally made my whole For what? For Award Ceremony. Omg, Mrs Crossley's speech was dsalkghajksghfj meaningful lah lah lah, I liked it alot. ♥ Clapped until I literally wanted to sleep (see! I told you I was tired!), lor. Eunice kept urging me to skip the rest and go home with her, but I kept thinking of the free food and stayed on... *NOM NOM NOM* food was great! ♥Here's another most recent picture of my favey boyband~ (& also to irritate those SLS-ers) "기범아, 형들 해냈다 !" Translation: HELLO, I'M HOPELESSY IN-FANGIRLY-LOVE WITH SUJU NAO. my fingers are itching... Tuesday, March 24, 2009 at 3:23 PM ...and I want to do a keyboard smash, to release all the shittiness. dl;sajgljasglsgsahjhgasjgsagsaghsajfhjsafhjshgjshgjsahga gslkgjajksgjshagjhjhfjshfjshgjhasgjhsdgdyjsjfuwiefjdmbv dsgaskgijsajghuhjviuarhjdfndhabnsfkjncjhcxcmkjsldfsljg x100000000 thank you.
Meanwhile, here's a cute picture of Kangin♥ to irritate*/please you all :D * if it irritates you, please go crawl back into your pathetic hole that you dug. ![]() (my parents) are back!~ ♥ Monday, March 23, 2009 at 5:34 PM ![]() left to right! → Donghae, Leeteuk, Kangin! (, but I forgot his name) Although Donghae (and the host) is extra there, but oppa's still so suave~ *o* dalksjfklhsajghjssgkdjskfjkasjfka WAO AT KANGTEUK *touch touch touch* MY *PARENTS* / OTP ZXZXZ ! School was shiate-ty lah, nothing new. And my contacts were like dslaksjg trying to kill me! Kept poking and sliding slide slide slide in my eye. lkfasjlkskgjks little non-living b*tches. Time to get new ones! 8D And I've decided to become a photostating machine tomorrow morning for my HE and Geog! HE is damn difficult, omgwtfbbq. But the main reason is just because my brain overloaded after I saw the GIF above. 유_유 Oppas, get married to each other, quick!
random post: Sunday, March 22, 2009 at 2:09 PM ...because I'm bored and there's no good blogging material (yet). Spending 24 hours facing the laptop, blasting Korean music, and re-watching EHB/Full House/Super Adonis Camp isn't exactly engaging, right? btw, this is how you wear clothes(if only you're hot enough to pull it off): ![]() -points to teuk's utter failure and laughs- but I will (soon enough!) math class today: Thursday, March 19, 2009 at 11:45 AM ![]() Shucks, now I have more homework to do T~T & Nescafe doesn't seem to be able to keep me awake; instead, it makes me sleepy ):
(just like that) Wednesday, March 18, 2009 at 9:34 PM Hello! Indecisive change of blogskin again ~ :D I'm sorry that the header's not very well-done; but that thing alone took me almost an hour to do T~T Anyways, please don't mind the mess of this blog ? (: -much appreciated- (Shorry,) Shawty. Tuesday, March 17, 2009 at 9:10 PM ![]() THAT'S MY Yes, I'm still in the "Sorry, Sorry" mode. (:
damn hard for me to be a good student / for you to see me as a good student? I'm already trying my goddamned best, trying to pay attention in class, trying to hand in work on time, trying to bring all my books, trying to obey all the rules. sorry, sorry. Saturday, March 14, 2009 at 1:42 PM Wao. OKAY, I WANT TO LEARN THE CHOREOGRAPHY FOR THIS! ♥ Omg, Teuk looks damn fierce here ~ It seems like all of them have cut short their hair and only Ryeowook is able to pull it off -_- Kyuhyun looks the same ~ :O Although, the MV seems like a mixture of, like what Mao said, Mirotic and Gee. And the box thingy that they were in reminded me alot of FT Island's "Bad Woman". S'pore, why are you so lag; the album is already out! you don't know me, Wednesday, March 11, 2009 at 7:37 PM Teukie oppa nomu muhjyuh... ![]() ![]() Omg, why are there so many irritating people on this earth? You know what I hate the most? When you plan and organise everything nicely already, then they last minute tell you to cancel the plans or that they don't want to follow the plan, or that they "can't go". Yknw how frustrating and irritating and screwed up, anot? I'm not being unreasonable, but please. If that shiate happened to you, I don't think you'd be sitting there and laughing it away, just brushing it off, lor. When you go out with someone, anyone, please first check your damned schedule, make sure there's definitely positively a free spot that you can use for your outing, and not anyhow say "yes, I can/want/will/must go", and then anyhow screw the other party over by overcoming your STUPIDITY and realising that you can't go. These people...I don't think they are smart enough to realise it's them. So, if next time we go out, and then I last minute say "my pet chameleon died; I have to attend its funeral, sorry I can't go out with you." then, it serves you just right. ...but luckily -tries my best to cool down-, these absolutely lovable people are only the minority, and all of you are still great, so don't worry, I won't pangseh you, if you ask me out :D TOMORROW - SJ 3JIB! :D & you're semi-sweet. Tuesday, March 10, 2009 at 8:36 PM I haven't been updating much, have I? Firstly, the weather's been a great friend to me; it rains whenever I'm sad, as if to match my mood. It's only the unbearable heat when there's sunshine that gets to me. I hate you for that, Mr Weather. Finally, Mr Vicknesh is back. And finally, class 2Faith got back our English marks. I'm satisfied with my CT 1 Results: English - A1 Chinese - A1 Math - A1 Chemistry - A1 Literature - A1 History - B3 Geography - A1 Home Economics - A1 Art - B4 Only Art disappointed me, a whole damned lot. It's not because I've lost my (artistic) skills, but because the marks were counted from the shiatty Biennale worksheet that I practically doodled a picture of a eggplant man on and handed it up. That's why. Anyways, I gotta work harder - 5th isn't an awesome class positon; gotta get higher ~ Thank goodness the March Holidays are coming so damned soon; I really need a long break from all the drama in school - it's too tiring for me. ): Oh yah, I've gotten myself contact lenses! HAHAH, Idk, just being random. Does any one know if they sell navy blue coloured lenses? I want them :D It's just 2 more days till the official release of Super Junior's 3Jib! "SHORRY SHORRY NU MI PUSH A PUSH A PUSH A SU MI MAK EO MAK EO MAK EO NEH GA MICHEO MICHEO BABY!" going retro-emo? Saturday, March 7, 2009 at 9:45 AM It's just 5 more days ! ![]() 슈퍼주니어의 3집 ♥ TEASER MVVVV, omg -high- The only thing is, Even the young ones become irrelevant. Thursday, March 5, 2009 at 3:59 PM ![]() YES HELLO, HEECHUL SHOULD GO F PEOPLE ON STAGE, SO SMEXY. Le sigh, today sucked, big time. Actually, today was neutral one lor, then came English. Actually, it wasn't the lesson - it was something that happened just before that. Got scolded with Sarah Tan, for taking the lift :/ Haiyo, mianhe my chinguya ~ Adults are full of kura, so just ignore :D Ah, English lesson seemed to pass so fast; somemore it was doubleperiod, leh! I think Mr Tan is a damn good English teacher, HAHAHAH -points to Guitar Clan- Wait, not only English lesson; this whole week seemed to pass by so quickly. All the better, though. This means that it's getting closer to the day where Super Junior's 3Jib is officially released!~ Saw the teaser pictures yesterday, omg, look like go jail like that. 7 moar days to SJ's 3JIB ~
SEXY BACK. Tuesday, March 3, 2009 at 3:48 PM ![]() HELLO, I'VE NOSEBLEED AFTER WATCHING THIS. HOW TO ENLARGE THIS GIF, UH? CAN SOME ONE TEACH ME, PRETTY PLEASE. -melts and fangirls for over 1 hr after seeing this gif- ANYWAYS, school was ... okay today; better than yesterday :D Turn's out, we're all cool with each other and there's no conflict (okay, maybe except for the sudden stares and threats that she received from them, poor girlie.) Sylvell, Sarah Tan, Maria, Jaslyn, Nadiah and Siti all must die. HAHAHAH because they were shouting my name in class today, leaving such an obvious hint to who lor. ): I ALMOST 流眼泪 (cried) LEH ): Because it's exactly like last year, lor (but with better and more trustworthy people, like the guitar clan). But anyways, it's all in the name of fun so I'm not pissed at anyone. repeat (especially for dear sarah tan): i am not pissed, lol. & English lesson was quite FINALLY got back Chemistry paper today, and well well, I didn't do too badly (first time hear my saying that right!), I managed a 35/40. AND OMGWTFBBQ, 9 MOAR DAYS TO SUPER JUNIOR'S 3JIB OFFICIAL RELEASEEE! ♥ "its better than this," Monday, March 2, 2009 at 3:52 PM ![]() Only English period was great, which means, only the first 2 periods of school was enjoyable. At least, for me lah. -winks- AE was disastorous, with all the members dispersed everywhere. Some were annoyed, some were screwed up, some where helpless, some were clueless, some were trying their best to lead. In the end, we came close to falling out. That totally spoiled my day and everything, so yep. Shiate that motherbeeping crap. ANYWAYS, MORE IMPORTANTLY: I WANT TO GET MY HANDS ON SUPER JUNIOR'S 3JIB NAO PLEASEEEEE, OMG. I got this impatience after reading Teuk's cyworld entry. T___T Oh well, as they say, good things are worth waiting for ~ |
For enquiries, e-mail me. ![]() ![]() 28th april ; fifteen . CHIJ St Joseph's Convent MSN • FACEBOOK I (heart) Super Junior. adela audition blog belinda bodyguards charmaine cheryl pay elissa e wen faith fang wen fidelia haidah hau yue hazel jacqueline jallene jane janice jasmine ng joey joyce kahhui kahmin keshwin lydia michelle natalie peiyi perlin rachel salwa shannon tyan-wei yiwen yixin yu shan yuen ping 1Grace class blog alison amanda ang angela bernice cally charmane cherisse cheryl yew chowmeimei desiree seng eunice elizabeth felicia fionn flora hai qi inna iris jaslyn foo jaslyn moh jiaqi jiemin jolyn judith li xin michiyo millie monisha nadiah nina qiaofang rachel ng rachel tong rachel wee regina siti amiera vanessa khoo vanessa tan vernetta wan lin zhi min kaiyun shawn's blogshop anna grace claudia han wee huay yee irwin jing wei ling pei yi qiqing shun sulin's shop teresa September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 February 2010 March 2010 April 2010 May 2010 |