Saturday, February 28, 2009 at 1:59 PM ![]() OMONA, Hankyung + Siwon + Kyuhyun = ♥ Super excited that SJ 3Jib is coming out soon! Omg ~ Leeteuk's cyworld entry (cr: superduperlove.wp) " Alas, there isn’t many days left to SUPERJUNIOR’s 3Jib. The title song has an amazing tune, with amazing choreography.. It really makes people anticipate. Tomorrow we will film our MV..There really isn’t much time left. Now it’s SUPERJUNIOR’s..And ELF’s time to stand up. Because (we’ve) rested for so long, now’s the time to sprint. We will surely return handsomely, and please anticipate us a lot. Please give us your attention and support us. Next week we will release the video and song teasers, you must listen more to it. You will hear words like.. Indeed it is SUPERJUNIOR, indeed it is SUPERJUNIOR’s fans ELF.. The members are all full of confidence..Album..Teasers..Understand??^^ Now while anticipating, just wait a little while more.. Hope that everyone will sleep well every night!! I love you all.. SUPERJUNIOR everlasting leader Leeteuk..Jungsoo..^^ " That Anyways, Sungmin can totally pull off a cute look even with scary make up on, what. >.< -is in love again- AHH, IM OFF TO FANGIRL UNTIL MONDAY. :D from the tangles of my heart, Friday, February 27, 2009 at 5:02 PM ![]() Hello, Mr Born-to-Fail-Kangin ~ "He fell behind me and it's still my fault?!" - Eunhyuk. White Sands with Rachel Toh, today. Shopped around, ate and now my feet are tired. Idk, am I that weak? LOL. Still haven't gotten back our HE/Math/Eng/Lit/Chem results, haiyo. When will they be revealed, omona ~ Anyways, I feel like cancelling my name off the class register because somehow number 11 seems to be so suay, as I got called twice. OMGWTFBBQ. Tags reply:
swing-swing Tuesday, February 24, 2009 at 6:11 PM ![]()
AND AND! I finally got back my missing books already, thanks to Abigail (somehow), Nina (somehow) and Millie ~ yayness! You know what... Monday, February 23, 2009 at 3:23 PM imitation is the highest form of flattery. but when it goes overboard, i might've to overtake them to sustain my lead over them. and sheesh, that's tiring work! ): Got back chinese paper today - omgwhut so loser disappointment for my mum! I only got 37/50 lah, and overall 77.5/100. LIKE WHAT. ): So that already ruined my day, but then when I alighted the bus at Kovan after school, I realised that I somehow lost my books that I was holding! -dies- It wasn't on the bus, so I called Millie/Jolyn/Nina/Siti/Rachel Toh/Eunice to ask them to help me find, but Millie was the first to pick up, so screw the others (RT was first, but she was already at home). Ah, dance studio, physics lab, TCF's homeroom all don't have! -stabs self- If you see 2 torn, tattered and near hopeless books (math & science), please return them to me? Kty, :D Ah, all these faggotry. ~ Sunday, February 22, 2009 at 8:08 PM My feet are blistering and my head is sore. ): Spent the whole day out today, finding the wing thingy for our dance skit tomorrow. But I failed. That shiate is impossible to find! Went to Toys 'R' Us, Daiso (yah, cheapo, so I thought they would sell it), etc and all didn't have, omfgwhut. So I guess Nina will just have to be a wingless FGM tomorrow ): Ah, bought my manga "Because You Smile", after wanting it so much for a week. I only bought it now because I didn't want to distract myself while studying for the common tests *angel* Anyways, bought some other random stuffs and clothes too, and I was this close -sticks out index finger and thumb, leaving only a small gap in between- to buying Jelly Lens for my phone camera! I wanted to buy the sparkle effects one! But it costs like $6.95, and I'd rather save my money to spend on albums and stuffs, rather than twitty shiate that all the copycatters will be equipped with real soon. (: Ah, I'm off to read my manga to occupy my mind from dreading school tomorrow ~ 'Be posting again once my CT results are returned :D especially for regina Saturday, February 21, 2009 at 6:31 PM Aiyoh. You people ah. I called Regina "Re-jai-na" then now also all call her that. Actually, it's okay if you guys call her that. But it appears that Regina is pissed/irritated/annoyed/sad/happy/content/neutral with that name. IDK. Even her sister calls her that? ROFLMAO. So anyways, credit goes to me (whatever, I know, you just shut up and read on lah), and please use the nickname only when the girl is happy. Later she screw all of you upside down then jia lat liao. And by the way, that joke is long over, so whatever. I've been calling her Regina again :D I usually do this when people piss me off (points to gif below) and I don't want to talk to them, so I think it should be the same for Regina. Beware. LOL REGINA ! IS THIS POST OKAY NAO?! ): ![]() BAIBAI.
common test 1 is over! Friday, February 20, 2009 at 5:47 PM ![]() Finally reached home after what felt like forever in my CCA ): I'm feeling super good today! I didn't get any scolding from TCF or some other teachers. Mainly because only Mr JC and TCF taught us today. Practised dancing for our skit thingy, with Jolyn, Desiree, Grace, Rachel, Ah, the only thing that made me pharqueing pissed off for a while was that some animal go and ruin our CCA board. Ah, anyways, I already told Mrs Lau who I thought did it. Tsk tsk, your class is going to get it, man. At least, after when the DMs know about this. Eh wait, there's a security camera there, right! Hahah, perpetrators, your arsehole brains are too simple to think of that! Anyways, the Home Econs paper seriously made me hungry like what lor, I kept staring at the words "Kuay Teow", "Fried Chicken Wing", etc. And Math was super duper unbelievably easy :D P.S.: I've gone on hiatus long enough! I'm going back to posting fics on mylivejournal comm. Please ask me for the url and join! ~ kty.
tired and uninspired. Tuesday, February 17, 2009 at 4:14 PM ![]() Totally screwed my History paper today ): I don't know - I'm not even sure if I can pass it ! Geog and English the day before was alright, hallelujah. Super glad there isn't any common test tomorrow - is there? I GET A ONE DAY'S BREAK :D Anyways, do any of you know where to buy. Er, angel wings. LOL. Like, those kinds with straps that you can wear and Because my yeobo* is the FGM** and I need the wings, if not she'll just be a useless FGM and we'll all fail dance. (okay, not so serious lah) Please tell me if you know where to buy! Kiddy Palace? :/ * Nina ** Fairy God Hankyung oppa, will I do well tomorrow? Sunday, February 15, 2009 at 6:39 PM ![]() Geography/English CT tomorrow, and starting tomorrow is the CT week; - AJA AJA HWAITING, MY CHINGUYA! (Jia you, my friends!) Maybe I'll be missing-in-action for a few days, maybe not. It all depends on if I can get my schedule right and study enough for the common tests!
Saturday, February 14, 2009 at 10:15 AM ![]() I love all of you, my chinguya ~ For those that have not received my valentine's card, it doesn't mean I don't love you - because those words don't have to be written down; you already know I do. and also... HAPPY 14th BIRTHDAY to Rachel Leong & Sarah Ong!
mixed. Friday, February 13, 2009 at 3:20 PM Morning ruined my first few hours in school - because of something that didn't happen the way it should/I planned it to. Anyways, received many gifts from my I'm in the Com Lab 2 now with one of the sweet BFFs (Rachel and Flora) with me ~ That's why my post is so. Slipshod. Whatever. Okay, so anyways. Something happened like 1 hour ago, and it pushed me to post this up. YOU KNOW WHAT, I DON'T GIVE A TOOT. I'm damn immune to all the useless scoldings already, so don't bother lah, seriously. You just need to appear before me and my whole day will be ruined already. To be honest, the reason why I chose to actually audition and try out, was because I really liked the uniform, like damn "I want to be, because I think the uniform is like, damn nice lah." So, of course, you people were looking for those guai-kia PERFECT answers, so those standard amswers came spewing out of my mouth. That isn't lying, by the way. Because, it's the same with CME. In CME, when there's a stupid question that goes: If you found out your friend has been talking bad about you behind your back, what would you do? GENERAL 100 MARKS PERFECT ANSWER I would confront her and tell her that what she has said hurt me deeply and wish that she would stop. But, will you really do it? NO. TRUE ANSWER: I would stop being her friend and start bitching about her to my other friends too, so that they will see her true colours. I hope that she gets banged down by a lorry while she walks out of school, then her head be decapitated by another passing, speeding truck. IT'S COMPLETELY USELESS. WE KNOW THE ANSWERS, DOESN'T MEAN WE WILL ACTUALLY APPLY IT TO OUR LIVES. So, don't choose, don't choose lor. It's no big deal. Got to see if I actually want it also, lor. Test what test, I will only ace my tests for art with flying colours, kty. That's because that's something I really like and actually give a darn about. Of course, I got ace my other subjects also, lah. Haiyo, this post is super delayed, because as I was typing HALF of this entry, some arseface come tell me to log off here. ): -shoves sand up her nostrils- Anyways, I'm like, dead tired now. I spent 13 full hours in 'nuff said. tired Thursday, February 12, 2009 at 8:21 PM ![]() Omg, seriously. I have developed a phobia of balloons. ): And alot of people had them, and every corner I turned to, there will be at least 3 balloons shoved right in my face, lah. Anyways, the reasons for the balloons are... Valentine's Day! ♥ And I'm finally done with all my cards that I'll be giving you guys tomorrow. Please appreciate it, you guys! I spent 3 days and quite a bit of money to make them, just for you ~ BUT BUT! I've only made for most of you, and the ones that I didn't make for, please don't get the wrong idea that I don't like you, because I ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ ALL of you, it's just that I've run out of paper and I'm on quite a tight budget, as I'm also saving money for I ♥ all of you! :D Love, because it's too tiring to hate; but love has its cons as well - everytime I give something, I always get hurt in return... I think I've gone crazy Wednesday, February 11, 2009 at 8:40 PM because I bought $10.10 worth of pastry for myself, after tuition! ~ I don't know what in the world lah, okay. I just. Bought it. :/ ![]() Oh, and the pictures below are of the letters that Youshan and Nina passed to me during Literature class on...I forgot what day. Yesterday. I must confess, whenever I receive anything made/written especially for me from any of my friends, I will tear/cry + go red + be super duper touched. Except when Nina Loh sends me letters like the one below. Omg, it made me ROFLMAOOL (roll-on-the-floor-laughing-my-arse-off-out-loud) ![]() ![]() Anyways, super busy once again, today, everyday. ): I've not enough time to even update my blog(s) properly! ~ Back aches and all, ): I can go on for hours, but I won't. Because you won't read it and it's just going to waste my energy, although it's great finger-muscle work out... ah, i'm talking crap here so i'll stop now. BAI BAI.
Omg, i've been so busy lately Tuesday, February 10, 2009 at 9:30 PM So, so busy until I can hardly find time to blog. ): And I'm rushing right now, because I need to find some pictures for my art thingy. Okay, so allow me to recap what has been going on in my life. Since, what, yesterday. Firstly, yesterday was Hankyung's birthday (happy belated birthday hankyung oppa, I ♥ you and your beijing fried rice skills) and I was brilliantly happy yesterday. But, I was kind of sad when night fell. My friend was leaving Singapore for good, and I was there to send her off. Anyways, we went there seperately, so I took the 53 bus (for a damned 1 hour+) and I reached there first, so I ate :D Chocolate truffle, chocolate muffin and fish and chips. I only took a picture of the chocolate truffle because I was certain I would get instant diabetes if I put one spoon of that in my mouth. ![]() Oh yah, and I ate at the Budget terminal, lol. So there's another clue to where my friend's headed for. (: But, since there were only two flights there, the terminal was like, super 空 (empty) ~ ![]() I STILL HAD TO PACK MY BAG AND MANY OTHER WONDERFUL THINGS. Then today, oh my gawd. School. I was so super sleepy, I slept. LOL. Or did I? Can't remember. School, work, lessons, yadda yadda. ): I was sad, because I think I strained my back, because I secretly ran to the library for something. -Is forced to disclose only this much information about running to the library, to prevent another colourful piece of paper from flying my way- Ah, so much homework, leh. Or was it just me. Ah whatever, it just felt like alot. So I will just complain that it was alot. Done. Okay, there. And oh yah, TCF fa zhan-ed me today. Along with the other tribe members. LOL. Whatever lah, I used that standing up time to do some stretching to relieve the pain in my aching back, wasn't listening. She asked if my mum was going for PTM. I said yes. She said, "very good." I got home, briefed my mother about what was going to happen. Me: Okay mummy, you're going for the PTM thingy, right? Mum: Yah lah, eh, don't make me ma lu ah, every time got teacher complain. Me: Yah, whatever. Okay, just shut up and let her talk. If not, she will keep talking and talking then cannot stop. Mum: What! -does motion of putting in ear plugs- I do this lor. Then she talk finish, -does motion of taking out ear plugs- I say, sorry, what did you say? Me: Yah, fine. Also can. But I tell you first, she will first complain about my hair, then say I talk alot in class and I won't shut the hell up after warnings, and...alot more lah, just combine what the other teachers in my primary school say can already. That's the standard and same complain you will always hear. P.S.: I LOVE NG YOUSHAN. SHE IS SO SWEET, CAN! I was super sad in school, and she wrote this note to me! Then she just called to check up on me a few hours ago~ Nina also cheered me up with her ridiculously disfigured drawing of...idk. Dragon-fish-cow-mouse thingy that was supposed to be G-Dragon. ILY BBY's SRHY.
Today just wasn't my day. Friday, February 6, 2009 at 7:38 PM ![]() Had mission with 2 A/B/C today - omfg it was so fun lah! Except, some pathetic students from other classes kept interrupting the speakers because they were talking among themselves damn loudly and it was distracting. Wlau, EQ also fail lah, they all. I'm not saying that all the other classes are But those few girls, they just make me want to slap them lah. So irritating. Example? SCENARIO : 3 girls get up to go to the toilet, and they are allowed to. Speaker: Eh eh, the fourth girl. Don't you think it's a bit rude (to leave with them without asking permission first)? And, guess what. Those four Omg, they should've just drowned their stupid idiotic selves in the toilet bowl, man. IQ fail, EQ fail even more. Other than that, the rest of the day was damn fun/awesome. Stayed back for CCA - but I was damn reluctant to, lah. Super lazy and I was having a headache ): But still went, anyways. Omfgwtfgnd, Ms LHP thought that I freakin' came into class late on purpose and wanted to "talk to me" after we were dismissed from CCA ): But, she got it all wrong lah. Then, at the busstop, I think I almost got my phone stolen. There was this guy, then he came up to me and was like, "Can I borrow your phone?" I was giving him the back-off-or-die face lah. Luckily he did. (: IDK LAH, I just find it damn stupid of a reason to lend my phone to a total stranger. P.S.: One of my paradigms was that "I find it hard to trust anyone" - I swear it's true, lah. L and Best are the only two I trust. (: It's not that I don't trust the rest of you; I still share my secrets with y'all, but those really personal and close to my heart ones, sorry. (: Because, it seems like everytime I give something, I get hurt. the happiness clock is ticking Thursday, February 5, 2009 at 7:40 PM ![]()
She thought that we had mission like the other express classes today, when ours is tomorrow with A/B/C ): SO SAD LEH, OMFGWHUT. My friends from other classes won't be there with our class ): English with Mr V was uber damn fun, lah. Because we debated! :D "Uniforms are obsolete and should be tossed in the bin" was the motion. Anyways, days before that, I was discussing with Judith if I should join debate :/ MISS NAZ, WILL YOU LET ME IN, AH? -wonders- Stayed back for a few mintues to do a math class test (refer to statement above about math class), and what the heck, I thought they were freakin' MCQs when Ms Teo told us to stay back, but it turned out to be problem sums. -pouts- TOMORROW IS OUR SEC TWO MISSION ! \o/ Wahahaha, sayonara suckaarhs. short update. Wednesday, February 4, 2009 at 3:37 PM Finally, a day that I don't have to stay back! \o/ But I've tuition later on, haiyo. ): Okay, this is super random. But... Mya Mya Tin + Girlfriend + Slimey + the rest of the class which I have yet to give you all a nickname = ♥ :D YAH YAH I LOVE YOU ALL ZZZZZZZZ. I think, I seriously need to study hard this year and pull up my socks -pulls-, because I realised that the smartest (okay, top few smartest) people from 1Grace are in my class! ): Ah damn, I hate it when people beat me at things, so obviously I'll JASMINE HWAITING! ~ (jiayou, lah) P.S.: Omona, I forgot that Kyu's birthday was yesterday - I HAVE JUST SINNED. Anyways, happy belated birthday, Kyuhyun oppa ~ Saranghaeyooo! 꽃보다 트기 Tuesday, February 3, 2009 at 9:56 PM Yes, yes, of course. (replies to useless and pointless title of the post) Ah, I'm very tired today. ): LS once again follows her daily routine of scolding me, and after having chinese as the first freaking period of the day, you should know how the rest of my day went like. Stayed back to do the M&P thing, and I was supposed to go with Jolyn all to practice for our literature skit but they halfway pangseh me, go compass. nb. Stupid lah, nothing to look forward to, now. Just got my CT1 timetable, omfg. I didn't receive it until today lah, knn buddies. Don't know how to keep for me, you should just die in a fire, lor. CT going to start on what, 16 feb? Like,wth. How come this year the CT comes so fast :/ or am I getting older, with my days passing by quicker :/ Bro's irritating the freak out of me right now, bloody goat. Ah, he should also go die in a fire. Pfft. hello, i'm dead beat. Monday, February 2, 2009 at 7:06 PM The morning didn't really start out that great. Okay, nevermind, forget that part. School was boring as usual, and the only good this about today was that me and Rachel were allowed to leave Ah, even though we only left when there was one more period before the bell rang. -dies- Met these two other pixel playhouse members, Shirlene and I forgot the other. :/ Ah, kind of fun lah, interviewing the netballers and all. Seeing how shy they were in front of the camera but super serious and focused when the match began. (: I think lao shi (aka LS, which i will refer to from now on instead) is trying to purposely kill me with homework lor. Wth. Before I left, I asked her, "LS, got any homework anot? Can tell me now?" THEN SHE COME IGNORE ME. What the pharquery up the wazoo, lah. Still asked me before I left, " Translation: Jasmine, before you leave, tell me where did I stop; what chapter, what page, what line, what word? I was like, "huh". As if I got listen, leh! LS just want to make me malu nia. I wanted to punch and tell her to DIAF, can. BUT, I think she's damn funny sometimes, lah. Can mistake a CLEAR picture of a cow for a hippo. ANIMAL SPECIES FAIL. Pfffffffft, tomorrow staying back with Rachel again to do up the M&P board. -FUN- :D I WILL PUT MY IDOLS' PICTURES UP THERE OKAY, MAKE SURE YOU SEE IT WHEN ITS DONE ! You will understand why, next time lah. ![]() don't jump Sunday, February 1, 2009 at 5:57 PM Ah, now that I have your attention because of the title, this post has got nothing to do with people commiting suicide (sorry!) Obviously, I've changed my blog layout again :D But I spent a tedious 2 hours searching for basecodes and editing the whole thing. And yep yep, I did the header myself! Nice or not! :D This layout is probably another temporary one, as I'm waiting for SJ's 3rd album ~ Anyways, how come 2 of my Bests have the same thinking, ah. Both post almost the same things in their blogs/livejournals. Okay okay, so. I'm done with my Commonwealth essay, and I'm BAI-BAI. |
For enquiries, e-mail me. ![]() ![]() 28th april ; fifteen . CHIJ St Joseph's Convent MSN • FACEBOOK I (heart) Super Junior. adela audition blog belinda bodyguards charmaine cheryl pay elissa e wen faith fang wen fidelia haidah hau yue hazel jacqueline jallene jane janice jasmine ng joey joyce kahhui kahmin keshwin lydia michelle natalie peiyi perlin rachel salwa shannon tyan-wei yiwen yixin yu shan yuen ping 1Grace class blog alison amanda ang angela bernice cally charmane cherisse cheryl yew chowmeimei desiree seng eunice elizabeth felicia fionn flora hai qi inna iris jaslyn foo jaslyn moh jiaqi jiemin jolyn judith li xin michiyo millie monisha nadiah nina qiaofang rachel ng rachel tong rachel wee regina siti amiera vanessa khoo vanessa tan vernetta wan lin zhi min kaiyun shawn's blogshop anna grace claudia han wee huay yee irwin jing wei ling pei yi qiqing shun sulin's shop teresa September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 February 2010 March 2010 April 2010 May 2010 |