Saturday, January 31, 2009 at 8:26 PM but I've no inspiration of any kind, whatsoever! D: *updated at 10:00pm* ![]() Everything's cool now. 8D Friday, January 30, 2009 at 5:56 PM I'M FINALLY BACK HOME! -Superman Pose- Ah, it felt like forever when I was in school for M&P, mostly because I don't really know the seniors and all. ): I finally found someone who's on the same wavelength as me, besides L! And that person is Clara ~ Omg, talking to her is like finding someone who can understand you, without being so immature. Anyways, super tired and irritated. There's this saying that comes to my mind as I was on my way home: Actions Speak Louder Than Words. But, what if your actions are misunderstood by [inserts colourful vocab] people, and they take offence, and then leading it to bitching to others about you? Why like that! Wednesday, January 28, 2009 at 9:01 PM Almost all the shops around my housing area are closed for the Chinese New Year. They're all celebrating it with their own families and stuff, I understand, but it's really brought me ,and I bet you, lots of other people as well, much inconvenience! Yesterday, I almost didn't come to school today because I had painted my nails and I had no nail polish remover left (okay lah, very deep, deeeep down inside, I just didn't want to attend school), and it was already 12am by the time I realised it. Then, next morning buy also no shop open, what! So I had to call my friend up at 7am to lend hers. ): Then, today. I just ^&($*^&% remembered that I need to buy cereals for my Home econs tomorrow, and I can't go out to buy it now because all the shops are closed! Shiate, tomorrow must wake up extra early to head down to the 7-eleven at Compass to buy, on my way to school. ): Monday, January 26, 2009 at 3:16 PM Happy 牛 (niu) Year ! To my Chinese friends, hope you guys collected lots of ang paos! To those who are non-Chinese, enjoy your holidays/ do your homework! HAHAH So far, only collected $xxx amount, but it doesn't really matter (or, does it?) because I only see my aunts and uncles from my paternal side and my mother's cousins and her aunties and uncles (how to say, ah!) once a year, or twice/thrice if there's a special occassion, so getting together is way more important than the money. Anyways, stop reading this useless and pointless post and go celebrate! :D Love you all, Saranghamnida my chinguya ~ Sunday, January 25, 2009 at 2:17 PM ![]() You play with others, bathe, eat, sleep and accomplish tasks, and get money in return. Wouldn't that make the whole world happier and richer? The poor wouldn't be poor and the rich would get richer. What happens if you've no more money? Just bathe more, play with others more, and your piggy bank would be replenished once more. Why do we need money in this world, anyways? We're paying for the hard work, blood and sweat that others have put in, but why can't we all share everything in this world? Ah, it's stupid and naive to think this way, but think about it. If life really were a game, money would be rolling in easy, poverty wouldn't exist, people with diseases in ulu places would have the money to seek medical treatment, and people like me wouldn't be trying to think of ways of saving money for our own use, so that our elders won't go on nagging forever about "saving money for rainy days". Of course, people who harbour ill intentions would also have the money to build bombs and whatever other destructive weapons, and there'll be more riots that involve stupid and loser terrorists killing innocent people. But, everything has its pros and cons, what. Ah la, just let me go back to dreamland and let me dream. Bye. To do, or not to do. Friday, January 23, 2009 at 7:06 PM
BUT! Don't get me wrong, leh. I really like to be in M&P (duh, unlike --), but the last-minute changes in times and places to meet is really getting to me. Go DIAF lah, butt 洞's. p.s.: my chinese isnt this sai okay. its better. but while its on this post, it only just appears to be that I totally screwed my chinese and nothing more. (:
): Wednesday, January 21, 2009 at 3:24 PM The hours in school seemed to pass by extra extra slowly... Or is it just me? Nursing a terrible headache now, and there's still lots of homework to be done. ): Ah, don't care about homework already lah, go school then I need her to teach me how to convert the format of the videoes so that I can transfer them to my mobile~ And I'm going to watch & cry & watch & cry ... I'm so glad that there'll be a ![]() Monday, January 19, 2009 at 9:30 PM School today was ... not better than last week's but not any worse, either. Stupid 119 bus in the morning shua4 all of us at the Sengkang interchange when it freakin' drove off without any passengers on board. If that was irritating, have the driver do it 2 mofo-ing times! Because that's exactly what happened. It was around 7.18am and the bus still hadn't arrive. "Oh, please please. Don't come for another few more minutes then I'll not have to go to school!" I was LITERALLY PRAYING for the bus not to come any time soon (after the first two freakin' left without any passengers). Because, this was my thinking: If arrived in school late = booking. Conclusion: If late = don't go school = avoid booking = free day.* But ah lah, stupid luck wasn't on my side, and the bus came. !#%~^$& *Ah, teachers ah! Kidding only lah, don't so serious okay. Lessons were Nothing significant happened today, just that. I laughed ALOT, and TCF was scolding me the whole time, saying, quote: "Na ge Hui Mei ah, yi zhi zai jiang ying yu! Jiang hua yu! Zai jiang ying yu de hua, wo yao ni jiang hua yu gei wo ting!" Translation: Yah, whatever. We learn chinese, so that it can open up more opportunities for us when we grow up & maybe start a business in China or some cheena country? I say, why not ask the OH OH, btw. Changed my URL for my fics! "I have the copyrights, too!" Saturday, January 17, 2009 at 12:46 PM Omfg, after reading this entry on Leeteuk's cyworld (translated to English), I'm totally loving him and his humour more, lah. If you're not a fan of him, you'll obviously not find this hilarious! ~ 박정수 2009.01.16 05:17 ![]() ..I can’t really…wink… When I wink my tongue will get twisted..ㅋㅋㅋㅋ ㅡㅡㅋ I must practice..How can it be done more handsomely…??…. 박정수 2009.01.16 05:10 ![]() ![]() ![]() Sorry… Victoria nuna.. Sorry… Hiton nuna… Because we had to meet that way, I took the trouble to look like that… I said.. “Nuna..I can’t love you forget me…!!!!” As I shed tears and walked away, I felt at ease that it worked out for both… Victoria nuna met Beckham hyung and they had kids and are having good life… And Hilton nuna has a lot of money..There isn’t much to worry about.. It seems like I have not forgotten..To make that kind of promotion.. Nunas, you must be happy…ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Ah this fella’s popularity…ㅋ 박정수 2009.01.16 05:06 ![]() I really!!!!Said it before!!!I have the copyright to that!!!ㅋㅋㅋㅋ Where is this shop ya!!!!I want to go find it…ㅋㅋㅋ Ah~~~This fella’s popularity..ㅋ 박정수 2009.01.16 05:04 ![]() I have the copyrights too!!! How can you just put my photo on like that!!!ㅋㅋㅋ Ah this fella’s popularity…ㅋ All credits to: (: Anyways, went to Kovan just now; there are stalls set up at the old bus interchange by Ngee Ann Poly, I think. My bro's stall is number 48 ! :D If you're free today and have nothing better to do, don't waste your life away! Head down to Kovan to show your support! HAHAHAH. eh, listen up, the bodoh people, Thursday, January 15, 2009 at 3:53 PM I am 100% not trying to be/totally not bung, lah. I cut my hair short doesn't mean I'm bung right? It's exactly like, for example, saying you are trying to be Indian because you are damn bloody tanned.* Go die in a fire lah, judgemental people. The reason why I cut my hair is 'cause TCF keep nagging me to pin up the sides of my hair, but I don't want to, so I cut short, so that all can be let down, lah! *No offence to other Indians out there! (: Okay, okay. *cools down* Went to CP with Mao/Fenny/Vk/Millie/CWL just now, and I just remembered I had to read the whole book of whatever Emily what Emerald Hill, when I was about to go VK's house. ): To those bodohs out there, I don't pharqueing want to hear that I'm a bung again, okay. If you still think so, then just pharque off, curl up and die, Mofos. the reason why i've been busy... Wednesday, January 14, 2009 at 9:18 PM ![]() Okay well actually, there is more homework than what is shown in the picture, but this is just for today. I finished homework at around 9pm, because I had tuition till 7pm. I forgot to eat dinner, leh ! I'm not say kan cheong or whatever, but as I've said before, I really wanna super duper do super duper well for sec two, lah. Anyways, school so far is alright, I haven't got into any serious trouble (yet). Our new subject teachers are awesome (at least, some of them are). 8D Kinda busy nowadays, so I'm not sure when I'll be posting again.* *Mainly because I don't have time to go out w/ my friends and take pictures to post up! So see you whenever I see you! ~ Lessons begin tomorrow Sunday, January 11, 2009 at 6:43 PM ![]() Wednesday, January 7, 2009 at 4:23 PM ![]() Although they're not really good, because this is my first attempt ~
Apparently, at 11:19 AM the majority of you, (like, 290 - 4 = 286 sec 2 pupils) didn't know that I wasn't going for the sec 2 camp. But... telling you guys that now, is really a stupid thing since you have (probably) already found out for yourselves. So anyways, is Millie missing from that camp, too? (: *smirks* I hope that, on Monday, when I go back to school, you all would include me when you hang with your new friends, leh! Not fair for me, lor! ~ Okay, yah. So you all go on and continue to have fun at camp (how would they even read this -.-) and I'll end here so that I can continue Facebooking/Friendstering/MSNing/Blogging! Oh, oh ! Pssst, I've decided to post up my fanfics from [that other website] to Blogger! It'll be up soon, somewhere on this Internet! "Hey Jasmine, you cut your hair!" Tuesday, January 6, 2009 at 2:45 PM Oh no! No no, I didn't cut it - this is just an illusion to make it look like my hair was cut; see, my real hair is under this thing! Ofcourse I cut it, -.- (Thanks alot for noticing, anyways!) Stupid questions/statements. Pffft. And hallelujah, my hair was finally pass-able today! If it still couldn't pass today, I would freakin' shave my hair off lah. Annoying lor! So, like, 99.5% of you are going camp tomorrow - the other 0.5% are me, Sarah and that other girl from that other class. HAHAHAH, go enjoy your camp, hor! -hysterical laughter- If I'm not wrong, the camp is exactly the same camp I stayed in for my P5 camp! REMEMBER ANOT, RAFFLESIANS! HAHAHAH *winks to YP~ Okay, so just enjoy it (if possible) ! Yours truly won't be going school tomorrow; so see you all on Monday! You guys will become closer, but don't forget me, leh! :/ ![]() KISSY KISSY YOU ALL! NOT ! ~ Okay lah, not kissy, but I will definitely miss you guys, for these three days! :D HAVE FUN, Y'ALL !♥
it's day 2 of school Monday, January 5, 2009 at 2:54 PM And apparently, my hairstyle is still not up to standards. Screw it, I'm going to cut my hair short today. This hair thing is freakin' giving me a headache, and I'm super fed-up already, lor. Anyways, I don't think I'm going for the sec 2 camp at Labrador [?] there. Yah, medical reasons; I'm not exactly the sporty-kind of person, in case you haven't noticed. I function better in arts and media! ~ But I had helped a teeny, tiny, weeny bit for the class cheer - by agreeing to use that cheer, lol yeah wtf i know. Ah la, hope you all have fun at camp, okay! Please don't leave me out when you come back! ~ ![]() i'm in sec 2 faith ! Friday, January 2, 2009 at 3:09 PM The whole entire day was screwed for me, only the morning was fine. I don't mean the morning spent in school, but going there. I saw my ... *ahem* friend, and that was basically, the only happy thing about today. The rest goes downhill from there. Got my belonging confiscated (yipee, I'm making such a good impression!) and got scolded for my hair. Okay, maybe I deserved the scolding for my hair, because: The sideburns were long, so I rushed down to the hairdresser's yesterday just to TRIM like LESS THAN 1 INCH and FREAKING PAID $8 for that bloody less-than-one-inch-cut, thinking that I would not be scolded for my hair today, but I freaking was. As it turns out, people, or rather, the teachers were expecting some neat neat super goody-two-shoes hairstyle, like Jeanette Au's hair in THE LITTLE NONYA or something close to that. Wlau, Then, no rubberbands around the wrists or whatever dangly thingys, like, what the--, I mean, what in the world? What if someone's hair too thick then the rubberband 'piak!', then no extra one, then kena booking for failed grooming right! -stupid scenario, but it's possible, right! THEN AH, the school rules have become tighter and strict-er[?]. Omygah, pity the sec ones this year lor. Omg, it's just the first friggin' day, and I've so much to blog about already - next time maybe I can take up one whole column in the newspaper to rant and talk lor! 2nd Jan, 2009, Friday - make me dulan like woah lah. I think need to wait one whole stupid month then can claim back what was confiscated from me, sdfjkglghsgajfklgvj ! Okay, I talk so much about why the heck I'm frustrated about school, so let me tell you what I like about school today ! ~ ... ... ... Nevermind, forget it. Anyways, TGIF . school starts tomorrow! Thursday, January 1, 2009 at 10:02 PM ![]() I'm only worried about what class I would be in ): Anyways, to the rest of you guys, tell me what class you are in tomorrow, okay! Hope to see you all then ~ *goes off to watch Iljimae and gets high when I see Lee Jun Ki ~* at 12:39 AM HAPPY NEW YEAR 2009 ! ~ Hope to see all of you on Friday, 2nd Jan 2009 in school, alrights? Miss you guys & my primary school dears very much ! Oh well, enjoy your new year and take special care, stay safe!
For enquiries, e-mail me. ![]() ![]() 28th april ; fifteen . CHIJ St Joseph's Convent MSN • FACEBOOK I (heart) Super Junior. adela audition blog belinda bodyguards charmaine cheryl pay elissa e wen faith fang wen fidelia haidah hau yue hazel jacqueline jallene jane janice jasmine ng joey joyce kahhui kahmin keshwin lydia michelle natalie peiyi perlin rachel salwa shannon tyan-wei yiwen yixin yu shan yuen ping 1Grace class blog alison amanda ang angela bernice cally charmane cherisse cheryl yew chowmeimei desiree seng eunice elizabeth felicia fionn flora hai qi inna iris jaslyn foo jaslyn moh jiaqi jiemin jolyn judith li xin michiyo millie monisha nadiah nina qiaofang rachel ng rachel tong rachel wee regina siti amiera vanessa khoo vanessa tan vernetta wan lin zhi min kaiyun shawn's blogshop anna grace claudia han wee huay yee irwin jing wei ling pei yi qiqing shun sulin's shop teresa September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 February 2010 March 2010 April 2010 May 2010 |