Wednesday, December 31, 2008 at 11:55 AM Actually, I haven't been thinking of it yet, until now. -.- But school's gonna start in like what, 2 days' time. dgjskgldj lah. Have to wake up at 5.45am again :O spoil my mood only lor. But anyways, back to the main subject first. NYRs. what the heck would they be, leh? Okay, so maybe there are like, some that I've thought of already, and some wishes from my birthday still left unfulfilled lah. Some of you may not have read them cause the post was in my old blog, which I had deleted to satisfy youzhidelaoren. But no worries! I'm going to put the unfulfilled ones here too ~ #1. Score better grades/keep up my grades, with all A's and perhaps one B only. #2. Learn/ improve my Hangul ~ (what lah, you got problem uh? too bad) #3. Never ever get a grade below 'C', because its so disgusting. #4. Concentrate and focus better during all lessons, esp in humanities (more on history). #5. Do something very super duper significant in school, like what I've done this year (theblogthing,whoo!~) Yeah, if you noticed, its all about lessons and learning and school. Hmmm, yeah. Because my level position this year (34th/192, yah I know, stop laughing lah, wth) is so lousy and I can't stand it lor. There is one more... #6. But I can't say it here, no way. Only Best and other RG friends know what it is. If ydk, you ask me, I tell you lor! HAHAH And, I still got alot of movies I want to watch leh! Movies like PONYO ON THE CLIFF BY THE SEA. ![]() Okay, okay. What are YOUR new year resolutions, then? :D So, I'll end off this post here, and you all go enjoy the New Year 2009 Countdown tonight, alright? Happy New Year 2009 in advance, dears! ![]() Not forgetting to end off with a Shindong/Leeteuk crazy pic! Is this from EHB? Because I remember Teuk wearing that white jacket when he went to the supermarket. 8D 안녕하십니까 ~ Monday, December 29, 2008 at 3:38 PM ![]() Hello my friends; - I've got a question for you ~ Do any of you know where to download Sony Ericsson mobile phone themes?* If you know, please PM/Text/Tag me, alright? 8D * keeping in mind, that it must be legally & er, safely (e.g. no viruses, etc) AND ALSO, school is starting soon! -dreads- New school year, new class, new CCA(for me), new stuffs to learn! -pouts- Anyways, Flora/Rachel changed CCAs to M&P also?! If that's the case, -expression brightens up a bit more- Ah, and also, we'll be older next year. New sec ones coming in. We're their xue2 jie3, which, in other words, also practically means that... ...we will die faster. Okay, maybe not lah. *cross fingers* Anyways, I've been procrastinating and delaying for a very long time already lor - like two whole months: I was supposed to learn Photoshop! But I was too lazy to call up and go for lessons. New year resolution? Wah, alot. Let me sort them out, and post them here next time~ 안녕히 계십시오 ! ~ Friday, December 26, 2008 at 7:30 PM ![]() Yay, see! I finally have a header! I did everything myself! But took like 1 full hour. HAHAHAH okay okay, I'm off to do other stuffs now, I promise to update soon!~ P.S.: I've written 2 fics already, and one of them has eight chapters. But I'm not sure if I should post them up here, as I've already posted it in *some other blog*. Hmmm, I'm attempting to do a smut in the near future... Till then; - SRHY ♥ Thursday, December 25, 2008 at 12:35 AM ![]() Yah, Merry Christmas to all of you out there!
omona, guess what? Monday, December 22, 2008 at 4:16 PM *update* I got into Media and Publications ! (finally! and at least, I'll have fun in this CCA, because I actually genuinely like it.) -edited/updated- OMFG, I got my new Sony Ericsson W595 phone ! Thanks mummy and my bro ~ loves! ![]() Latest model somemore, leh! *shows off* i'm back ! Sunday, December 21, 2008 at 9:43 PM ![]() Probably just went MIA for a while (4 days -.-") I've been updating at some ... other blog, lah. Started writing fanfics, too. But since this is my first attempt, its probably failfics when you read it. Although, I highly doubt that you're going to read it, anyways. Because, it's posted up at [insert URL here]. Ah la, anyways. Millie reminded me how many more days before school reopens (eh, it's 12 days, not 11 ~) And that fact makes me unhappy -pouts- Because, #1. It's another school year. #2. New class/CCA (but idk either one) #3. We're getting older. Gonna be xue2 jie3 ~ #4. Homework will start ! #5. The process of cramming new and "important" information into my brain continues. #6. Basically, knowing the fact that we have to go back to school just sucks. The only good thing about returning to school is (obviously,) friends! Okay, forget about the school thing for now; it's 4 days to Christmas! \o/ - have you made your plans for this Christmas...? Wednesday, December 17, 2008 at 6:51 PM Finally, I went out with my friends. It has been ages, or rather, it felt like forever since the last time I went out with them. Friends. Yknw - the people who actually bother to genuinely care for you and not backstab you? Yeah, they are known as friends. Watched Twilight today with Jo and Xin. Not much to post today, I'm just updating this 8D ( because I didn't take any pictures today ) Thanks Jo for the present ~ ♥ Er, reply of tags?
![]() Monday, December 15, 2008 at 7:36 PM ![]() Inhyeong - Leeteuk / Yesung *winks to Mao ~ LiveJournal 见 ! to all of you antis out there: Friday, December 12, 2008 at 6:35 PM You know what, I don't need your criticisms or hear what the heck you have to say about Kpop/SJ. Especially, if it's not something nice - because whatever that's coming out of your mouths are a load of turtle crap, hippo crap, platypus crap and bull crap. If you're an anti, so be it. And I feel, really, really sorry for you - because you are a total loser who doesn't know how to appreciate good music. Wait, first of all - why the shibbal do you even care about their looks and all? Isn't music supposed to be heard, and not seen? You want to judge for yourself how good someone looks, I suggest you go watch runway and modelling shows. Because with your level of superficiality, good music is a total waste on you. I'm not saying I'm not superficial - of course I am, and undoubtedly so is everyone else. But, I'm superficial up to a certain level, which you antis have certainly and clearly passed; - I'm up to the level where their good looks first attracts me to be interested in their music and even though it's in another language, and I probably don't get what they're saying at first, but I can tell that it's definitely good music. It's not about whether you get what the heck they are saying, it's about whether you feel good after listening to it - that's good music. But the level of you antis, is way over that. You people judge them by their looks. You give a crap about their talents, their singing abilities. You only care about their looks. I'm not saying it's a terrible thing, because artistes do have to keep up their images. But must you really criticise every little thing about their looks? He has a strand of hair out of place in a photoshoot, you label him as sloppy. The other is overweight, you call him fat and when he tries to slim down, you slam him again by saying that's what he should've done before people started hating him. The other member dyes his hair an unusual colour, you slam him again by saying he looks gay and what not. Here's one thing I've to say to you - what right do you have to judge them? You're not perfect, in any damn way, seriously. All of you antis. We're not perfect either, but we don't judge them, dammit. So, can you antis just keep the shiate to yourselves? We don't want to hear it, so shibbal nom, michinyun. Plus, here's a big-ass picture of SJ just to piss off those who are SJ-antis. ![]() Their sexy behinds ( OMFG, GOT KANGTEUKKKK! - melts - ) P.S.: FT Island/ Shinee antis, this is to you too. But for Super Junior antis, you better watch out. Thursday, December 11, 2008 at 7:28 PM I've nothing to say now, update sometime later or whenever. 8D P.S.: ![]() ♥ -&- ![]() ![]() the/my ultimate definitions of Sexy. ( & I know, I'm just being biased here, but still. Leeteuk/Jonghoon FTW! ) Monday, December 8, 2008 at 5:35 PM ![]() I'm ... I need entertainment. Psst, I was going to say 'bored', but only boring people get bored. Right, best? 8D So, I shall do this er, quiz thing from Umbrella's blog. 01. Besides Your Lips, Where Is Your Favourite Spot To Get Kissed? ... why does the question sound so wrong. Anyways, it's at the back of the hand. 02. How Did You Feel When You Woke Up This Morning? Woke up super early (9am) just to watch The Amazing Race, so I was tired. 03. Who Was The Last Person You Took A Picture Of? Me? LOL. 04. Would You Consider Yourself To Be Spoiled? Money-wise/discipline-wise, yeah. But I'm filial, okay! 05. Would You Ever Donate Blood? No, I'm scared of needles. Singapore’s first blogger blood donation drive was held not too long ago, supported by Nuffnang. 06. Have You Ever Had A Best Friend Who Was Of The Opposite Sex? No. 07. Do You Want Someone Dead? No, I just want to slap their qian bian faces, those ... =) 08. What Does Your Last Text Message Says? " Lol ya. Now is you forget lo." - Best ( My 9037 **** number, I can't continue the rest of the message, it's confidential ~ ) 09. What Are You Thinking Right Now? =) 10. Do You Wish Someone Was With You Right Now? Most definitely. 11. What Time Did You Go To Sleep Last Night? 2am/3am +++ 12. Where Did You Buy The Shirt You're Wearing Now? Forgot. -.- 13. Is Someone On Your Mind Right Now? Yahhhhhhhhhhhh. 14. Who Was The Last Person To Text You? Best. * Write down 10 of your friends' names. 1. Best 2. Papaya 3. Umbrella 4. Millie 5. Mao 6. VK 7. (Just to let you know, I suddenly randomly thought of chicken pie, here.) Faith 8. Shenna 9. Shermaine 10. Joey 15. Is Number 2 Having A Relationship? HAHAHAH, NORTH VISTA, BABY! 16. Is 3 A Male Or A Female? If I answered homosexual, how? Female, lah. 17. If Number 7 & 10 Got Together, Would That Be A Good Thing? NO. I've nothing against lesbians, but seriously?! They're my primary one classmates~ 18 What Is Number 1 Studying About? What? School? Normal subjects that a secondary two student as of 2009 would be studying...? 19. When Was The Last Time You Had A Chat With Them? Some everyday, some recently, some 20. Is Number 4 Single? Yeah. 21. Say Something About Number 2? Sexy papaya -inserts censored rated 'A' words here + vulgarities- 22. What Do You Think About Number 3 And 6 Being Together? They don't know each other! Even considering the 'six-degrees of seperation', it's still wrong. 23. Describe Number 9. A damn good awesome basketballer, used to be tomboy(?), pretty, very very great friend to have! 24. What Will You Do If Number 6 And 7 Fights? Laugh. Oh oh! And take video also. (: Reply to all your tags ~ Saturday, December 6, 2008 at 2:31 PM
Friday, December 5, 2008 at 12:25 PM T E C H N O L O G Y What is your wallpaper on your computer? Super Junior How many television do you have in your house? 3 - one in the living room, one in my room, one in the master bedroom. Are you right-handed or left-handed? Right-handed. Have you ever had anything removed from your body? Operation, right? Yeah, thrice, when I was 6-8 years old. Something in my left wrist that kept coming back. What is the last item you lifted? Cup. (: Have you ever been knocked down? Vehicles, nope. People, yes. (Best, you better stop laughing. I still hate that nigga.) B U L L S H I T O L O G Y If it were possible,would you want to know the day that you will die? Nope. I'd rather live my life to the fullest, than to be worrying about how close am I to dying. If you could change your name, what would you change it to? - secret - What colour would you think looks best on you? Have you ever swallowed a non-food item? No. D A R E O L O G Y Would you kiss a member of the same sex for $100? Anywhere? Cheek, hand counted? Then yeah, sure. Would you allow one of your little fingers to be cut of for $200,000? NO WAYYYYY. Would you never blog again for $50,000? NOPE. Would you pose naked in a magazine for $250,000? Needless to say lah, this one. NO. Would you drink an entire bottle of hot sauce for $1000? I'll try. (: Would you, without fear of punishment, take a human life for $1,000,000? No. Kill someone just for money, a bit retarded and stupid right? D U M B O L O G Y What is in your left pocket? I've no pockets. Is napoleon dynamite actually a good film? What the heck? Do you have hardwood or carpet in your house? ....? Do you sit or stand in the shower? Sit? Cause I can't bend or whatever, my back. ): How many pairs of flip-flops did you own? 5, 6? I don't know. Last body who texted you? Martin. Last person who called you? I think, my mum? Person you hugged? =) F A V O U R I T O L O G Y Number? 25. Season? Winter. Colour? Black. (also, sapphire blue!) C U R R E N T O L O G Y Missing someone? Duh. Stupid lah, I want/need to go Serangoon Gardens now! Mood? Neutral Listening to? Follow Through - Gavin DeGraw Watching? Nothing. Worrying about? What's my class next year, whether its a class full of mofos. What CCA am I in. Wearing? Shorts and t-shirt. R A N D O M O L O G Y First place you went this morning? Bathroom. What can you not wait to do? Use my laptop! ~ Do you smile often? Yeah, duh. Are you a friendly person? Uh-huh. quick update Thursday, December 4, 2008 at 5:10 PM ![]() I changed my blogskin! Pssst, please do not view my blog in Mozilla. Screw that stupid Mozilla, use Internet Explorer lah. Wednesday, December 3, 2008 at 1:15 PM Nyeh, I've been hoping to have a homestay. It seems fun, right? & can experience a different kind of life, somemore! 8D C'mon, I mean, we have to open up to new things, right? It's not like we have some sort of panic disorder until we're afraid to try new things. Hmmm. Maybe, emcee-ing too? HAHAH Oh yeah, Christmas is coming! ~ Hohoho, people who are born on Christmas day are indeed, very special. *winks *will update soon again!~* |
For enquiries, e-mail me. ![]() ![]() 28th april ; fifteen . CHIJ St Joseph's Convent MSN • FACEBOOK I (heart) Super Junior. adela audition blog belinda bodyguards charmaine cheryl pay elissa e wen faith fang wen fidelia haidah hau yue hazel jacqueline jallene jane janice jasmine ng joey joyce kahhui kahmin keshwin lydia michelle natalie peiyi perlin rachel salwa shannon tyan-wei yiwen yixin yu shan yuen ping 1Grace class blog alison amanda ang angela bernice cally charmane cherisse cheryl yew chowmeimei desiree seng eunice elizabeth felicia fionn flora hai qi inna iris jaslyn foo jaslyn moh jiaqi jiemin jolyn judith li xin michiyo millie monisha nadiah nina qiaofang rachel ng rachel tong rachel wee regina siti amiera vanessa khoo vanessa tan vernetta wan lin zhi min kaiyun shawn's blogshop anna grace claudia han wee huay yee irwin jing wei ling pei yi qiqing shun sulin's shop teresa September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 February 2010 March 2010 April 2010 May 2010 |