Sunday, November 30, 2008 at 2:18 PM
but most of all, it's built to last, - Friday, November 28, 2008 at 5:02 PM ![]() Yah, busy busy day - having a headache right now. Got up early to go to Hougang Polyclinic which had temporary moved next to freakin' Woodbridge Hospital as the actual building was under renovation. " Huh, are we really going here?! Got siao lang one leh ~ " was my reaction. Yah, so after that, went to Ayer Rajah somewhere there to get my school books for next year. Pffft. As it was near to NUH, we decided to go there straight for my physio thingy. Hoho, everything at one shot ><" Ah omo, yesterday night I was feeling super sad ~ Because I felt like I'm losing every thing/one, one after another. Like a loser, but not in terms of ranks... 'Cause I don't wanna lose my Bests & all of you guys, yknw. - mushy mush mushroom much? -
Nyeh, thanks Mao & Sheila ♥ *Because now I know that the ones I've trust will never leave me. absolutely delirious; Wednesday, November 26, 2008 at 7:00 PM ![]() Yah, I love the bank near my ahma's house. 8D IF YOUR LIFE WAS A MOVIE, WHAT WOULD THE SOUNDTRACK BE? So, here's how it works: 1. Open your library (iTunes, Winamp, Media Player, iPod, etc) 2. Put it on shuffle 3. Press play 4. For every question, type the song that's playing 5. When you go to a new question, press the next button 6. Don't lie about the results. Opening Credits: Boys and Girls – Good Charlotte Birth: Pajama Party – Super Junior Waking Up: With You – Chris Brown First Day At School: Welcome to My Life – Simple Plan Falling In Love: I Don’t Care – Fall Out Boy (Omo, what the heck? I do care! ) Fight Song: Right Where You Want Me – Jesse McCartney ( HAHAHAHA ) Breaking Up: Si Ben Dao Yue Qiu - Mayday Prom: One Step at a Time – Jordin Sparks Life: Home – Michael Buble Mental Breakdown: Empty – The Click Five ( Woah, this is scarily accurate, somehow) Driving: Cooking? Cooking! - Super Junior (WHAT. Looks like I’m multi-tasking) Flashback: How Deep Is Your Love – er, I forgot who sang this. Getting back together: Make It Mine – Jason Mraz (LOL OMG SO ACCURATE) Wedding: Endless Moment – Super Junior ( YAHHHHHH ) Birth of Child: Tic! Toc! – Super Junior (Oh, it’s time to have a child, already?) Final Battle: Take Me To Your Heart – MLTR (...) Death Scene: Broken – Lifehouse Funeral Song: Thing I’ll Never Say – Avril Lavigne ( OMO~ ) End Credits: Superwoman – Cao Ge ( YAHOOO~ )
ABCDET Gollum Is You. Tuesday, November 25, 2008 at 6:44 PM ![]() Yah, everything's fine & it's still healing ~ (too bad for those who were cursing me, if there were those of any significance at all) Sad enough, my height's still 169.3cm & my weight's 51.6kg.* * HOI, BYUNGSHINS. The above is proof that I'm not friggin' underweight like you all claim I am lor. I think those who claim I am are more like in denial, you Left the hospital at 1.30pm + and headed to -forgot the name of that place- to shop. Then, it just suddenly hit me square in the face at that moment that I had math holiday tuition at 4pm, wth. So, had to rush back & all. Blah blah, yadda yadda. & so, here I am. So anyways, here's my current mood: ![]() Yah, I'm amused at how I'm not getting affected by certain things, like I did when I was younger. Hmm, like I've said in the other blog, "maybe this is what it feels like to grow up..." Mature enough to not be affected, but still immature enough to successfully affect others negatively on a daily basis. P.S.: Have y'all done the petition thing, already? If you haven't, *annyeonghashimnika~* Monday, November 24, 2008 at 1:46 PM ![]() So, went to Vivo with my mum, two days ago. Guess who I saw there ! - only millie/charm/eunice/freda knows - My North Vista 爱爱! ♥ LOL, he was working at some Fox shop or something. 8D YAH, and I went Chinatown with my mum again, yesterday. I was trying to find one specific kind of necklace, which bears the alphabet ... - can't tell you, yet -, but the damn thing was impossible to find. Pfffft. It was like a treasure hunt lah, searching all over the place for it! * I hate treasure hunts * Well, at least I could get out of my house for 2 days ~ 8D Omo, before I forget - 1. Please, please go to . * I know that sentence structure of the favour thing sounds weird, but it really is 'ask a favour of you' ! 8D Okay, random. Anyways, just help me, please? :D rokugo Friday, November 21, 2008 at 3:10 PM ![]() Yay, thanks to Mao, I'm able to listen to Sukira ~ No, I still can't acess the link, so Mao had to call me through MSN .__. & Best has gone to Malaysia for her singing thingy, and she's coming back on Sunday? ): Ah la, I'm drowning in superboredom everyday - I can't be bothered asking you guys if you wanna go out, If I don't get the heck out of my house soon, I think Imma have to close this blog down, cause I've nothing much to update leh. ): P.S.: Happy birthday, Sheila / Elissa ! ♥ ILY P.P.S.: Please help me by clicking on the advertisements at the top right-hand side, yah! P.P.P.S.: I still love y'all kay. Hence, the GIF. 8D
here's another short entry. Wednesday, November 19, 2008 at 3:10 PM ![]() YAH, I'm just damn pissed with one thing - not being able to connect to Sukira! D: It's like, all the others can listen to it, but I friggin' can't. Omo, why is it like that?! ): Goddammit. back to raffles Sunday, November 16, 2008 at 7:35 PM Okay, so I shall update before I get too high whenever I see that picture of Teukkie. Anyways, I've added a link for you guys to comment (things related to the posts) on, and I'm now leaving the tagboard for you to tag me for other things not relating to the posts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Went back to Raffles yesterday for the Games Carnival. I can say for sure that I received at least 10 ' Fck you ' from all my friends. Super great to receive these words of love. ♥ See, even Rafflesians talk like that. Want to complain? COMPLAIN LOR. Make sure your own child isn't like that first, okay, old people who have nothing better to do. Oh shiate, I'm side-tracking. Okay, okay. So I met up with Adela, Yuet Ting, Pei Yi, Yu Shan, Hazel, Perlin, etc. Woah, it's officially been one full year since I've graduated from Raffles, I guess. Saw some of my juniors there, but I didn't wanna disturb them as they all were busy with the game stalls... ![]() Didn't manage to get a picture of her, but I think Pei Yi was able to dunk her & Perlin almost did. Anyways, she wasn't the only teacher at the dunk tank. There was also :
And we saw Ms Tan there, as well. (: ![]() Okay, walked around, and in the end, we were bored. So where did we go? ... ... ... THE SPIDERMAN-WALL! ♥♥♥ ![]() Ey, I think only 2E / 4A / 6B people know what the Spiderman wall is. We used to climb the high wall when it was recess time & we would compete who could climb it the fastest. Yeah I know, it's not usually what primary school girls do - but then again, we weren't your ordinary primary school girls. Psst, she liked Fang Min's guy-friend who came along, and we managed to get his number. Then I snatched Mok's phone & typed "Hello, I'm hungry", then I wanted to send it to him. But FM & Mok told me to be more flirty. So I suggested "Hello, I'm not wearing any panties today!" AND AGAIN, THEY REFUSED. So Mok typed "Hello hello panda" ( I know, wth. ) so I snatched her phone and continued typing. In the end, it became "Hello hello panda, I'm feeling hungry & sexy!" I sent it before they could erase it. ROFLMAO. When FM called him, I told him to go Hotel 81 & wait for Mok. ><
AHHH. MY FAVOURITE 'AUNTY'. She never hides/shys away from the camera. HAHA see, so aunty until she agree to help me buy water when I threaten to drop her bag + camera. ![]() ![]()
OMO, I ALMOST FELL OFF THE DAMN WALL, I SWEAR. Oh, here's another joke for you. ( Hazel asked me this )
![]() Just a picture & 1 word to describe it - Friday, November 14, 2008 at 4:36 PM ![]() final chance Wednesday, November 12, 2008 at 11:50 AM Current Mood: ![]() Just came back from school, as I went to pass my Media & Pubs assignment to the teacher. I'm damn happy that I can at least have this chance to try for another CCA other than IJYM, sia. Thanks to Ms Chow & the M&P teacher. Anyways, since I really wanted to do my best for this assignment (it was given to me on the 11th Nov and the deadline's on the 12th Nov, mind you), so I went to Clarke Quay & Chinatown to get some photos. Spent a long, long, long time there, then headed to my aunt's house to get it printed, because my printer cocks-up everytime I need to print something. So, I officially completed the whole assignment at around 12am. Good job, I'd say. Hopefully my work is good enough for them to let me in lah, because if not, IJYM ... - From here onwards, I think only Mao/VK/Millie/Nina know what's happening - You know what I really, really hate? People who think they own another human being. He/she would think that they own that person, and when other people start to admire the same person, he/she will be $%^&ing annoyed & start insulting others. Why? Just because it's his/her 'private property', so only he/she can admire that person. Others admire that person, THEY DIE - is that it? Get all defensive and what not just because you think you're so superior and that only you have the right to like/admire that person? Ah, whatever already lah. Call others KNS, or what sai you want also can. Because IT TAKES ONE TO KNOW ONE, honey. And, correct me if I'm wrong (but I'm sure I'm not wrong) - you are the biggest KNS in Okay, sorry. That's a bit of an insult.. sorry. ... ... ... ... You are: ![]() P.S.: A green heart to represent your jealousy. :D LOVEYOUSOMUCH. To the rest of the world - take care y'all. ' life couldn't get better ' Saturday, November 8, 2008 at 7:21 PM Current Mood: ![]() I don't know if y'all were listening to 98.7FM at 1 - 2am, last night? Best sent in a dedication for me! :O I was surprised, although it was the second time she had done it. I totally didn't expect it, and was super touched! So, I sent in a dedication for her, too. But it didn't get read out until 2am + , which by then I had switched off the radio. Anyways, I just went all the way to Bishan to cut my hair.
Hohoho, I put a ♥ for the mouth cause I was doing some funny action. Oops :x And, I've just heard that our ex-principal from RG is retiring? So, there's this farewell party for her, this Thursday, and I guess I'm attending it, someway, somehow. Imagine if the guards don't let me in. -.- Neways, if only there's a way to tune in to Sukira on radio, sia. It's 89.1FM. Damn. ![]() & since you, you and you are drowning in superboredom like me, why don't we go out? Just tell me where, when and with who & I'll see if I can make it! (: P.S.: JOEY! Is our 6B date still on, even though it's been postponed to next week? jasmine would like to know... Friday, November 7, 2008 at 6:18 PM ![]() -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ![]() Went to Plaza Sing with Tongs & RN today, watched Sing to the Dawn. (: Supposed to meet them at 11.30am, but I figured I would still be sleeping, so I told them I'd meet them at 1pm.
- - - - ![]() P.S.: I think that's his most recent look? WOOO. Thursday, November 6, 2008 at 9:12 PM 1. What would you do if a handsome guy confesses to you? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. -can't stop laughing- 2.Would you fall in love with a guy not more than 3yrs younger than you? I don't care if he's a day younger than me - there's no way. 3. How do you find school? Oh, it's Hell with flourescent lightings. But then there are these people whom you call 'friends', so that helps me to get through the horror. 4. What would you do with a billion dollars? Go Korea. No wait, better still, migrate to Korea. And have all the designer clothes shipped from Paris, London, etc. 5. Will you fall in love with your best friend? No way. No way. 6. Which is more blessed, loving someone or being loved by someone? Loving someone. 7. Who is your favourite singer? SUPER JUNIOR! ♥ 8. If the person you secretly like is already attached, what would you do? Pshh, there's no secret that I like someone, or who that someone is. But I would just continue liking that person until the right one comes along? 9. Is there anything that has made you extremely happy? (: 10. What makes you angry? Failure. I cannot stand failure. Or being inferior to someone. 11. How would you see yourself in 10 years' time? 12. Who are your top 4 darlings? Teukkie (can or not?), Rachel Leong, Millie, ... I can't decide on the last one. 13. What is the most important in life? Friends? Support, and all that moo-la. 14. Would you be single and rich or married but poor? Married but poor. 15. What is your favourite colour? Black. (I know, I know - opposite of my Angel!) 16. Would you give all in a relationship? Uh .............................................................................................................. yeah. 17. If you fall in love with two people simultaneously, and both of them do the same, who would you pick? What? I don't get this, but I'll try to answer it. I would ... pick the one who I think I seem to share a special connection & chemistry with. 18. Are you someone who gets along with others easily? Super easy. 19. What do you want to tell the someone you like? Can it express through actions? Quote Leeteuk, "Words of love can't be expressed in words." So, it can definitely be expressed through actions. For me, there's no need for that diamond ring or sports car. ranting time #1 Tuesday, November 4, 2008 at 7:43 PM First, let me reply to some tags, kay. So here goes:
So, I went out with Mummy today & watched The Coffin. I wish I hadn't. It was scary, real scary. People were actually screaming in the cinema. Well, they're the plastic-type of girls, so yeah, the screams were expected from them. What do I mean by plastics? Well, here's a description: 1. Wearing as little clothes as possible, with only 45% of their body covered. 2. Unbelievably short shorts - those kinds that the hookers you see on TV wear. 3. Super tight 'Little Miss' tees that make them look even more like despo hookers. 4. Long, rebonded hair with bangs.* 5. Heavy, heavy heavy make-up. 6. PDA-ing with their 'zui ai's. * Bangs only work on some girls. Not all. Apparently, not the ones I've mentioned. So, based on the mental picture I've painted for you on the Plastic girls, you tell me, they are irritating and try-to-hards anot?!! Anyways, enough about low-lifes. Just read TypicalBen's blog, and his latest entry, I really agreed with. ALOT. "...I mean it's stupid if I cannot blog what I want to blog as this is So, I don't care now. It's MY blog, so it's my RIGHT to do whatever I want with it. I'm not trying to challenge anyone, but seriously, if you find the content in my blog negative or offensive, then get out lah. Still read on for what? I think you still read on, just to see what I have to say about you, right? Then you get disgusted & offended by what I've said about you, because deep down, you know I'm right, and you're afraid that people who are reading my blog actually realise how much of a loser-gaywad you are. Ever heard of 'Freedom of speech', anot? & for those readers whom I do not know personally, after reading this, I hope y'all won't have a bad impression of me. Because if you do, please reflect on yourselves. I know for sure, that you all aren't a bunch of Tree-hugging Hippies that believe in free s*x right? You're all not that innocent, as well. Because if you say that I'm vulgar or whatever, it takes one to know one. If you're not vulgar, then how come you know which words I've said are vulgar and which aren't? Phew, I think I'm done here. P.S.: All the content, starting from the descriptions of the Plastics, are totally not referring to any single one of my friends. P.P.S.: I am sure that I have NOT directly insulted anyone here, as there was totally no mention of any names. uh, just because i'm really bored. Monday, November 3, 2008 at 4:51 PM ...and I've nothing to blog about. So here goes the 64 questions. 1. The relation between you & the last person that called you? Rachel Ng. Er, my good friend in school? 2. Do you ever turn your mobile phone off? Used to, but now, it's on 24/7 3. What happened at 10.00 am today? I was sleeping ... until 12pm. 4. When did you last cry? When I was watching the last episode of Suju Full House! 5. What do you want in your life right now? LEETEUK! (super rofl), money, love! 6. Do you use an umbrella when it rains or put up your hood? I don't carry an umbrella. I just walk under shelters to avoid the rain. 7. Do you tend to make a relationship complicated? No, cause it'll cause too much stress on both persons. 8. What was the last movie you caught? Cinema-movie or youtube-movie? Cinema = Eagle Eye. Youtube = Attack on the Pin-Up Boys 9. What are you proud of? My artworks, and everything else that I've accomplished. 10. What was the last song you sang out loud? You & I - Super Junior. Well, part of it (: 11. Do you have any nicknames? What are they? Kiwiie, Longbean, Chill Pill, Beanie, Jas, Jeahsmine, Hoho 12. Are you currently happy? Neutral. 13. Who gives you best advices? Sheila. And L. HAAHAHAHAHAHA -winks- 14. Is anything bugging you right now? Obviously, yes. 15. What/Who was the last thing/person that made you laugh? Can I say.. the way Prince Leeteuk died in Goong T? 16. Who was the last person you missed a call from? Tongs. 17. Have you ever had your heartbroken? (: 18. What annoys you most in a person? Their indifference towards my attitude towards them, bossiness [?] 19. Do you have a crush on anyone? Big, ginormous, dinosaur-sized crush (on Angel Teuk)! 20. What is the colour of your room? Very light blue. 21. Would you kill someone you hate for a billion dollars? I'm not that stupid, I'm not that despo when it comes to money. 22. Do you believe in the saying "talk is cheap"? Witness it everyday. 23. Who was the last person to lay in your bed? What kind of question is this?! Myself, lah! 24. What are your hobbies? Blogging, bowling, photography, art, watching Suju videos. 25. Have you ever thought someone died when they really didn't? Yes. No really, I did! 26. Who was the last person you saw in your dreams? Hehehehehehehehehe. Teukie. Really! :/ 27. Last time you smiled? Three seconds ago. :D 28. Have you changed this year? Slangs & style-wise, yeah. Attitude? NO WAY. 29. What are you listening to right now? U - Super Junior. 30. Do you walk with your eyes open or closed? Open, duh. But I can totally sleep with my eyes open, too. 31. Do you want someone you can't have? Again, (: 32. Have you ever played an instrument? Organ, Piano, Guitar, Drums, Harmonica. 33. What were you doing last night at 11.00 pm? Onlined... hehehe. 34. What song describes your love life? Love Remains the Same + Walk Away + Marry U + Love, Me + Geek In the Pink 35. Does the person knows you like him/ her? Yeah, I don't know why - but everything I do is super obvious. But now I heck already lah, because I'm currently crazy over Teukkie! ♥ 36. Who always makes you laugh? Rachel Leong, Tongs, Millie, VK, Chow Mei Mei, Mao, Wan Lin, Charmaine Chin, etc. 37. Do you speak another language other than English? Mandrin? & a teeny, tiny, wincy bit of Korean. 38. Who are you missing right now? Raffles 1/2 E, 3/4 A, 5/6 B, Hoho, L. & I'm not missing anyone out. -hints- 39. If you were to choose between friends & love...? It's a need for both, you see. 40. What are you doing right now? Listening to You & I by Suju, doing this quiz, MSNing. 41. Name 3 colours that you like? Black, hot pink, orange. 42. What emotion to you like to show? Happy, bubbly! But if I'm feeling vexed or down, it shows too. 43. What is life to you? Gdmned screwed up & bored if you're not with friends. 44. If you have something troubling you, what will you do? Brood over it, attempt to find a "bright side" to it. 45. Who did you last chat with in MSN today? MILLIE! aka Hyukkie-lover. 46. Who do you admire most? Admire = idolize? Remy Ong, national bowler. Super Junior Members as well. 47. Which month are you born in? April. 48. What colour did you use to dye your hair? Accidentally dyed it, leh. Brownish-red. Permanent! But it hasn't got me into trouble this whole entire year, cause *adults* are blind, so only friends notice. 49. Why are you doing this test? I need something to blog about, cause I'm shiate bored now. 50. What do you do when you're moody? It's swearing time! & I'll do it absolutely anywhere. 51. Do you think you have enough confidence? I do, but people keep putting me down. Double standards. 52. Who is the person you trust the most? L, Best, Millie, Mao, VK, Marion, Regina. 53. Do you believe in seeing a rainbow after a rain? Literal or not, both ways. Yes. 54. If you can have a dream come true, what would it be? Unlimited wishes, duh. 55. Do you believe in eternal love? Don't know - is there? 56. What feeling do you love most? Feeling of being loved & haengbok (happiness) ! 57. What feeling you hate the most? Feeling of being left out, forgotten, depression. 58. Do you cherish every single friendship of yours? If I said no, I will die when I see my friends right? But seriously, I do cherish them. 59. Do you believe in God? Atheist, atheist, hello. Was originally a Buddhist, then Freethinker, before. 60. Who cares for you the most? The question should be: "Who even bothers to care for you?" 61. What'll you bring when you fight? Physically? I used a chopper once when fighting with my brother, and a normal knife when my aunt scolded me. Yes, I hate to be told what to do. But I'd rather sit back and watch the drama, and maybe even cheer them on, just to see who dies first. 62. What have you regretted doing in your whole life? Saying 'sorry' too many times & actually mean it. 63. What would you feel that no one no longer cares for you? Aren't I already feeling that? 64. What if your stead two-timed you? Break up, then tell all my Bests, and prank call him with "You will die in seven days" & mysteriously hang up. Then constantly updating him on the days he has left to live. (: don't worry, im still alive. Saturday, November 1, 2008 at 6:09 PM It's been a while, I suppose. SO SORRY I HAVEN'T BEEN UPDATING! Wanna know, why? It's because ... ![]() Now, if you love Suju like I do, than -yay- ! If not, too bad. Actually, I didn't like Suju - I just liked Leeteuk! :DD Then during the fangirl process, I suddenly found that all 13 of them are really talented (and cute)! Example? ♥ Leeteuk, ♥ KangIn, ♥ Kibum, ♥ Sungmin! Kay, kay. For those of y'all who don't know who Teukkie is, ![]() Oh & yeah, Happy (belated) Halloween, loves! I promise I'll update often, hor. But right now, I'm going back to watching Suju vids! |
For enquiries, e-mail me. ![]() ![]() 28th april ; fifteen . CHIJ St Joseph's Convent MSN • FACEBOOK I (heart) Super Junior. adela audition blog belinda bodyguards charmaine cheryl pay elissa e wen faith fang wen fidelia haidah hau yue hazel jacqueline jallene jane janice jasmine ng joey joyce kahhui kahmin keshwin lydia michelle natalie peiyi perlin rachel salwa shannon tyan-wei yiwen yixin yu shan yuen ping 1Grace class blog alison amanda ang angela bernice cally charmane cherisse cheryl yew chowmeimei desiree seng eunice elizabeth felicia fionn flora hai qi inna iris jaslyn foo jaslyn moh jiaqi jiemin jolyn judith li xin michiyo millie monisha nadiah nina qiaofang rachel ng rachel tong rachel wee regina siti amiera vanessa khoo vanessa tan vernetta wan lin zhi min kaiyun shawn's blogshop anna grace claudia han wee huay yee irwin jing wei ling pei yi qiqing shun sulin's shop teresa September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 February 2010 March 2010 April 2010 May 2010 |