Tuesday, October 28, 2008 at 8:56 PM
untitled. Monday, October 27, 2008 at 4:04 PM ![]()
in a dilemma. Saturday, October 25, 2008 at 6:57 PM ![]() 跌倒了就不敢继续往前走 为什么人要这么的脆弱 堕落 Hope most of you have read the previous post. Each dedication was short, as it was kinda impossible for me to recount each & every single event that happened between me and the 38 of y'all within a span of 9 months. And, thanks to Tongs for jio-ing me out yesterday to Suntec to watch HSM 3. It's damn hot - you should go watch it! :D Anyways, things have been bugging me. Alot of things. 1. New CCA So you see, PPH/M&P/GE all slammed their doors in my face & I've been auto-put into IJYM. Since it's IJYM, my mama, aunt & anyone else who bothers told me not to join it. The problem is, if I don't join it, I'd have no cca and it would form the
& Idk why students are required to submit a report on why we want to join a particular CCA. I mean, it's understandable - but what if it's a CCA that we don't even like, but forced to join it?! Can't believe this shiate, at all. Why can't it be straight in the @#$%ing face? Like, it's either: "I want you in my CCA - you're in" or "No, you're not in. Bye." 2. Drowning in superboredom. It's the holidays, hence, bored. I've been wanting to go on a movie marathon! I've got Best on, and I'm now inviting any of you guys who'd wanna tag along! =) So, please. Those who have been telling me that they're bored (which refers to every single one of y'all) - come along with us! :D 3. I need to gdmn earn $$$ ! And I mean, earning it the legal & right way. Wanted to work at Bliss, but I think they've hired the part-timers already. Why I need cash? - No, I'm not broke. It's just that. Shitty adults such as my mum/relatives have been yakking on and on about recession or whatever. "Don't spend money unnecessarily, kay." "Money is hard to earn, you know." To hell with you people, I'll earn it myself, see how lor! I'll earn it, spend every single cent of it, and there's nothing you can do. (: 4. Happy? Depressed? - I don't know. My reaction wasn't as drama as a few months ago, when history repeated itself, leh. I guess, I had over-anticipated it, and when time finally came, I realised that it wasn't that big of a deal? Because we've still got the rest of our lives ahead of us - who knows? We've all the time in the world to figure things out.
dedicated to 1Grace (bottom portion) Thursday, October 23, 2008 at 8:17 PM ![]() Today's the official last day of school.
The last day of my sec one school life in SJC. Congratulations, I made it through alive. But what the heck, they auto put me in IJYM. I didn't even choose that - I don't even know what in the world they do there! ): Today's 'Use Your Hands Day' - FAIL. Okay so anyways, you guys take good care, ya? =) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Here are the things that I want to say to you guys... Alison - Hello, you. Thanks for the laughs you provided during lessons! & thanks for being my "partner" in English lessons when we sit according to index =) Love! ♥ Amrit - Omg, funny woman! The random outbursts of laughter when we see each other is pretty amusing, ey! Ly, ♥ Angela - AKA AMANDA TIFFANY (: The trivial and lame "debates" that we have often are super helpful when I'm feeling down, because you'd come & insult me & I'd wanna kick you in the face, which helps me forget about the sadness... TEEHEE! ♥ Bernice - Aiyah, you. Everytime appear from no where then scare the hell out of me, sia. You're always smiling, hor. Great luh, you. ♥ Yi Xiu - Er, I don't really know you. HAHA. But you're really fun to talk to, I guess? LOL ♥ Jolyn - Xiao zha bor. Only got close to you during September? HAH. I know your not-so-secret-secret! You're loved, ♥ Wanlin - Bionic leg! RobotPong! Kay, kidding lah. Super funny lady, you are. There's no negative points about you leh, hor. HEE. ♥ Rui Min - CUTE! (: Sorry, everytime see me, your cheeks kena pinched. :/ You're a smartie-pants! & real quiet in class, too. ♥ Abirami - Rifler! You're great, girl. HAHA ♥ Eunice - Cheena. Lalala. (: Super awesome pistoler, aren't you? HAHA. Wish you & your 'Best' friend have -super fun- time, during the next 3 years in SJC, kay! Omg, don't murder me hor. L-O-V-E, Bestie! ♥ Freda - My partner! Korean-looking limited edition teddy bear, right? Anime lover. See, I know! :D Thanks for the constand reminders of homework & important stuffs. You're gonna be an SC member, for sure. ily, ♥ Inna - WOOHOO. Another anime lover, right! I'm squashed between the two of you, & it's been fun, somehow. HAHA. Thanks for lending me stationary and stuffs. Lol ♥ Iris - 'EH, IRIS!' joker, uh. Great jokes/pranks, or whatever is it that you do - everytime you do so, it makes people wanna laugh their butts off. (: WO AI NI NI NI NI ! ♥ Jessie - Woman, gotta control your violent rages & anger management, kay. (: Sorry, but thanks for letting me squash your green bean soup or whatever that was. HAHA! Fun, sia. ♥ Kyra - Pro netballer? (: & apparently, very smart too, luh. ♥ Zelin - HOI. Ya lah, anytime can SMS me. If you can't sleep at 4am, also can SMS. (: Your random lame jokes uh, funny. HAHAHA! Love, ♥ Jia Min - HAHAHAHA, YOU AH. Don't really know what to say lah, except for the fact that we got common topics of interest. Or, should I say, topic? (: SINGULAR. ♥ Marion - Marry-on! :D Thanks for jumping onto that bus, so willingly! =) You're definitely one of the few people that I know in my life that I can trust! LOVED, ♥ Millie - BESTTTTT! Thanks for conveying my messages to True Smile, sia. But you're still blur, lah . :D NINETEEN CENTIMETRES, right? ♥ Nadiah - Smart probate! :D & neat, too. HAHA. Thanks for all the laughs, I guess? ♥ Neysa - BALLS. Omg, it's been soooooo long! HAHA. You're still the greatest one of all time - the one who as millions of balls transferred to her! =) Thanks for the craziness, ♥ Pavani - BEST MONITOR/PROBATE, uh. Okay, end. ♥ Payal - PAPAYA MELTED GRANNY. THE CUCKADOO LOVER! (: You're a great gayfriend. HAHA. But be careful, kay. Don't melt! ♥ Sharon - Wlau, you uh. Siao one, this one. HAHA. & thanks for NOT helping Payal when I was pulling her hair out! You're such a great friend, aren't you? ♥ Jia Qi - Ah la, my trusty Chinese go-to person when in doubt of whether there's Chinese homework or not, & my xin wen provider when I forget, too. (: YOUR BREAKFAST, every morning! Haha, ♥ Rachel Ng - You uh. Vampire wannabe. LOL. Thanks for accompanying me to the bus-stop (ahem) every morning, during the first half of the year! :D ARE YOU WEARING ANY SOCKS? ♥ Regina - Another rifler! But you always look so tired ): Anyways, thanks for pei-ing me lah, tiko. :D YOUR STALKER. You love her right! As much as I love you! ♥ Sharatha - Aiyoooo. Smile, smile, smile. HAHA. (: How can you survive with Payal & Sharon?! LOL. Ly, ♥ Desiree - Fallen angel? Try to refrain from slacking, kay! You'll make it someday! :D Thanks for all the siao-ness you've put into me. ♥ Siti - GIRL! (: Yes, you're pretty - no, both pictures are fine. HAHA. Thanks for letting me rant & yak on and on when I feel depressed or angry at someone! Love, ♥ Karen - Probate, uh! Nice SE phone you've got there, ey? (: HEEE. You're super entertaining - & thanks for pei-ing me when I stayed back in school for no apparent reason! ♥ Tahmidah - My toes are still laughing! (: Sorry for not accompanying you to Compass after the June holidays, girl! Next year, maybe? =) Thanks for all the entertainment & laughter, kay! ♥ Elisha - Ah, you! :D Pretty one, right! (: FISHBALL-EYE uncle? Haha, okay okay, kidding lah! We've been in the same school(s) for 7 years! Love you, ♥ Si Hui - Emo one, much? & you're not stupid at all luh kay - don't take it to heart? I'm kidding, you know. (: You're a total smartass, I swear. FIRST IN CLASS x2 ?! Woah, ♥ Zhi Min - THE SINGER! HAHAHA. You're not really that irritating, luh. =) Thanks for sharing gun with me during CCA. (: Now, I'm guessing you have your own pistol? Train to be the best shooter you can be, kay! ILY, ♥ Rachel Tong - TONGSTER. (: What can I say? Simply love you to bits and small pieces, lah. HAHAHA. Corruption is key, ain't it? Love you like woah, ♥ Vernetta - Chief monitor. Super slick, uh? :D Artistic person, too! (: ♥ Valencia - B*face! HAHAHA. Joking, luh. You're my Mei, yknow. (: Want to go bowling again? HAHA. =) We've like, so many things in common, hor! LOVE YOU KAY, ♥ - Hope you guys love me too. ♥ more or less. Wednesday, October 22, 2008 at 10:09 PM ![]() wasn't exactly what I had anticipated, but it was alright. Don't you think the place looks more like a shipping yard? 1G and another class were the only 2 classes that went there ^ above. The rest of the sec one classes - I don't know. Okay, so it wasn't really that interesting on the outside - but it was quite amazing on the inside. There were these big, huge containers stacked on top of one another... ![]() ![]() ![]() Oh, oh! There were some super tall structures that were hidden on the outside when we first saw the building. ![]() So, we went in them and there were actually many exhibitions inside as well! :O Here's one example: ![]() ![]() & there was this big, white structure that was built almost in the center of the whole thing, and it only allowed in 6 people at a time. (: Everything inside was white! (: ![]() After a very long while, I got kinda bored. So, I took RN's camera and started to take pictures of a very, interesting-looking set-up behind the whole building. I mean, it should be part of the exhibition, right? Since it had slippers on top of them? Wait, lemme show YOU: ![]() ![]() - - - - - -
Okay, so Imma have to go, & here are some pics Ah, tempo Sony Ericsson phone. Excellent for blocking faces in pictures that are taken involuntarily.
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Breakdown, rebound. Tuesday, October 21, 2008 at 8:39 PM ![]() School's going to end in 2 days' time - celebrate or brood over it? W announced that tomorrow's going to be his last day, and as expected, everyone was super sad & whatever. Tomorrow, I'd bet his FC come bombard him with stuffs, and I'll be over there, laughing my butt off (: Day after tomorrow, Aunty Grace also leaving! ): At least I gave her the chocolates I promised! -winks- There's the art excursion whatever tomorrow - I don't think I'd be able to enjoy it, though.
Okay, happier note, Jasmine - Happier note. - - - - recap. Sunday, October 19, 2008 at 1:08 PM ![]() I shall resurrect this blog by updating it =) So, the people from some DJ company came down to our school on Friday. It was damn cool, okay! But the DJ stuffs, like the controls & all, yeah that part was too complicated. That session reminded me of the DJ at the Grad Party back in RG. MUAHAHAHAS(: Okay so bottom line: DJs are hot. Neways, I've learnt how to play the guitar! =) Well, at least, the basics of one. Thanks to Mrs Goh & the other guitar ensemble teacher. And now, I'm really interested in guitars! Still, I hope my portfolio for Pixel PlayHouse is good enough. I really like photographyxzxzxzxz! ♥ I've been sleeping quite late nowadays - like 2, 3am. Then I would wake up like, 12 hours later. Sleeping disorder, much. Don't wanna take sleeping pills or whatever, though. Because that stuff - yeah, it kills, man. The reason why I've not been sleeping earlier... School's gonna end soon. (weird reason, I know) & I am really, damn pissed off with some posers and fakes in my life, sia. So, I say - the most pathetic & idiotic thing one can do is be in a clique. Because, I can guarantee you, that in every single clique, there will always be a friend that nobody likes in it. And if you're sitting there, reading this, going "No no, I disagree." THEN GUESS WHAT - you are that person! I'm not trying to arrow anyone (even though it sounds like I am), and I admit that I've been in a clique since forever. BUT, the best thing to do still, is to never, ever rely on anyone else, except yourself. Be friggin' independent, you pansy. OMFHJ, I shall rant about stereotypes, one of these days... ![]() Overcome with disappointment. Thursday, October 16, 2008 at 8:58 PM ![]() As you can see from the title - I'm overcome with disappointment. Disappointment in what? Well, alot of things. ALOT. Friends, results, etc. Got back almost all our results for SA2 already, except for Science. And I'm very, over-superly disappointed with ALL my results - especially Geography & Art. Can you believe it? Two of my best subjects, two of my favourite subjects - and I screwed them both up! But what's done is done - all I can do now is... Sorry, sorry for letting you (all) down with my result(s). & this is the first time I feel so stupid, so bodoh. With my results all, so crap. I'd rather use them as toilet paper, I swear. & W had that 'speech' in class after we were released from the gym - okay, everything that he said was really touching lah, zomg =x & people said I looked as though I was crying when he finished? C'mon lah, you guys - BLIND LIAO AH. -winks- okay, maybe ... tearing a little. On a much ... less depressing note, we had this digital animation workshop going on from yesterday and today. Super, super fun. Okay, maybe made me wanna smash up the freaking computer in the lab, but I refrained from doing so & decided to be patient with the programme, and I managed to complete it, and I can guarantee that it's not slipshod work! (: Why, friends letting me down? BECAUSE I NEED SOMEONE TO BE MY SUBJECT FOR A PHOTO, which is due tomorrow, and ALL of them either gave me super cliched excuses not to go or whatever shiate reason lah, I didn't really care about what they said. Makes me wonder why... I mean, I've certainly let people down before, and I can understand if THINK OF A BETTER REASON TO FREAKIN' PANGSEH ME, LAH. MUST HAVE DIFFERENT STYLES & PATTERNS, SIA. So, in the end, I just went to the park opposite my house to take a few pics. Damn, my back's killing me like crazy - I sat on the freakin' flat floor in the park. Literally. SEE, I'd do anything for photography/art ! Ta-ta, I needa go cry over my Geog marks, now. So y'all go lala over these pics; ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
![]() ![]() WOOSH. (: Super Fun Time #2. Tuesday, October 14, 2008 at 9:44 PM ![]() Damn, I've got to freakin' get myself a freakin' gdmned camera, sia. Everytime go out, wanna camwhore, always must use others' SE phones. Then have to bloody wait for them to online & upload the pics for me. AND I HATE WAITING, OKAY FYI. Then after I've waited forever for them, they all come screw me up by saying USB cable lost, com screwing them up, etc. Why don't you just say your gdmned com ran away lah, doozy. Actually, I got camera one lor - but I sorta forgot where I put it & I'm lazy to find it - so hence, I need a new camera. And, a new SE phone too, hor. >:/ Anyways, had a date with Best today. Went Vivo, and watched Eagle Eye. ![]() So, camwhored after the movie, but like 90% of the pics are in Best's phone. I'll upload it as soon as I get it, yeah. ![]() ![]()
P.S.: & people, people - Be reminded that we've gotta stayback till 6pm, tomorrow. According to Marion, who said that we've got something on. (: Super Fun Time. Monday, October 13, 2008 at 10:29 PM Yes, I've changed my blogskin, again. Spent the whole of last night to customise this(: I'll be adding the header, sometime later when I'm done with it, yeah. ![]() Went to Bugis today, with Regina & Marion. Omg, you can seriously jio Marion out anytime, and she'll agree ! (: ![]() Went to watch The House Bunny - it's really, a very good show. Okay, maybe there's alot of cleavage & stuffs, but it's really touching (I meant it as a feeling lah, not physically). Like, there are deeper meanings and messages in the movie. Stereotypes and individuality, true friends & plastic biatches, etc. Seriously, it's a real good show & it's not as bimbotic as you thought it would be - so be sure to catch it, yeah? (: Oh yeah, while shopping, we came across this shop that had this fake hand displayed there. ZOMFG, it scared the crap out of me, please. Okay, I'm not a wuss, lah. But heck, if you take a real close look at it, YOU'D THINK IT'S 100% REAL LOR. ):
Me & Regina dropped off at YCK, and headed to the HQ. Turns out, MWLX lost her wallet & keys (x second time liao, OMFJ?), and she went to the HQ to report it. And she complained to us that she sat there for 2hrs! AND GUESS WHAT. We had to freakin' wait somemore! ): & in the end, they actually forgot about MWLX's case & almost all the officers already went home! WTHXZXZ.
Hi, I'm spontaneous. Friday, October 10, 2008 at 9:26 PM ![]() ![]() I MUST/CAN NEVER SCORE CRAP MARKS FOR ART XZXZ ! Bus-ed to PS with Tongs - watched Mamma Mia. Well, actually. Payal/Mills etc etc etc pangseh us. So, Tongs and me took 119 to Kovan, then train-ed to PS. I was joking around with her, gesturing her to "board the bus!" ![]() Didn't blur-off the lady's face in the above, as her face over here was kinda distorted from Tong's excellent handling of my phone.
Our original intention was to catch The Housebunny - ![]() I don't care. Thursday, October 9, 2008 at 1:07 PM ![]() Math today was super super easy. NOT. Who am I kidding, here? I don't think it was that difficult, but neither was it Paper one. Messed it a whole lot up. Paper two, was much easier. Although, it's the other way around for others. "Jasmine, don't mess this up. Math. Your suckiest subject. But try to score." ^ what I told myself before I started the papers. I'm so loser in math. So loser. Yucks. ): I'm scared for all the results, though. I'm scared I won't do as good. I worry that I'll disappoint all (if any one cared) my teachers. Okay, even though I find that they all are crapping & yakking away in class, but still - they've the patience and TOLERANCE to teach me. Don't. Wanna. Disappoint. ): And school's ending on the 23rd Oct. WHY ONE DAY EARLIER !!! D: Super sad, canxzxzxzxzxzxz. I wanna be a sec one forever. I wanna be in 1G forever. I wanna have the same subject teachers. Every single one of them! Now, I've realised how fast time flies. So fast, it's almost unfair for those who aren't living their lives... Effervescence. Tuesday, October 7, 2008 at 9:35 PM ![]() Messed up my D&T paper, too. Genius. Actually, the Geog paper was the one which messed with my head and all. & I've identified "maps" to be my weakest topic for Geog. I seriously. Seriously. Screwed. The. Paper. Up. Spent another 5 hours revising & making notes for Science. Don't think I can make it, though. So, people who actually held really high expectations of me - don't get your hopes up that high - I'm really gonna disappoint. Yknw who I'm referring to. -points to the one I made a deal with- Ah well, school's gonna end soon (I guess, depends on how you define "soon"). Certain relief teachers are gonna leave, too. ): Still remembered the first day of sec one. & now it's already October. WOAH. Just read TypicalBen's post about "friends". Maybe, I'll do one similar to that, one of these days, when I'm free. Oh, believe me. I've got tons to talk about. AND AND AND ! I like this super-random picture ! RULE OF THIRDS. TEEHEE. ![]() Save me, Monday, October 6, 2008 at 11:33 AM History, today. One word (and many, many punctuations) - FAIL. !%@^#&($#@!^ sia. Did fine for the first part of the paper. But messed up so badly for the SBQs that I can't even describe how shitty I've done. I'e calculated how much I'd get for the 45marks part. i think, with my crappy answers and all, I'd get about 20marks. And no, 20 marks is worse than bad. It's like. super hell bad. ): But what's done is done, so yeah. Not gonna go mad over it. Geography tomorrow - oh man oh man oh man. THIS is the subject that I must never fail in, besides art. :/ See, I'm so serious that I must pass (possibly with flying colours) tomorrow's paper that I came home right straight after we were released at 10.15am. Okay, so. Imma study soon. Gl & Jys fr tmr. Ly! Sunday, October 5, 2008 at 3:05 PM Having a terrible headache. I don't know whether it's because I slept at 2.30am last night, and had to go for tuition at 9am this morning, or is it because I'm studying. Only managed to concentrate on History for about 30 mins, then decided to skip to Geography. GMT, Prime Meridian, Latitudes, Longitudes... All making my headache even worse, so I've given up studying. Gonna cram all the History stuffs tomorrow morning, then continue with Geog after History exam. Oh man, I've got to seriously score well in my Humanities & art. If not, I'll kill myself. ![]() Psst, before this, I've been procrastinating & watching Southpark/Family Guy. But since I've watched almost all the episodes of SP, I'm into FG now :/ Okay, whatever. I'm just probably wasting your time, here. Quizzes/questionnaires, as promised, after EOYs! (: |
For enquiries, e-mail me. ![]() ![]() 28th april ; fifteen . CHIJ St Joseph's Convent MSN • FACEBOOK I (heart) Super Junior. adela audition blog belinda bodyguards charmaine cheryl pay elissa e wen faith fang wen fidelia haidah hau yue hazel jacqueline jallene jane janice jasmine ng joey joyce kahhui kahmin keshwin lydia michelle natalie peiyi perlin rachel salwa shannon tyan-wei yiwen yixin yu shan yuen ping 1Grace class blog alison amanda ang angela bernice cally charmane cherisse cheryl yew chowmeimei desiree seng eunice elizabeth felicia fionn flora hai qi inna iris jaslyn foo jaslyn moh jiaqi jiemin jolyn judith li xin michiyo millie monisha nadiah nina qiaofang rachel ng rachel tong rachel wee regina siti amiera vanessa khoo vanessa tan vernetta wan lin zhi min kaiyun shawn's blogshop anna grace claudia han wee huay yee irwin jing wei ling pei yi qiqing shun sulin's shop teresa September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 February 2010 March 2010 April 2010 May 2010 |