Tuesday, September 30, 2008 at 6:17 PM ![]() I was so pissed this morning, lor. Went to 4th floor - B04-01 door locked. Go back down 1st floor. Went back up 4th floor - sec 5s started appearing. Got back down to 1st floor. YKNW HOW IRRITATING , ANOT. I was so fed-up, I took the stairs while going down to the 1st floor, the second time. WLAUS. SIAN LOR IN MATH CLASS. MrLTH SAY I MESSED UP TH ORDER OF TH PAPERS?! I was so pissed & shouted back "Eh, wlau, is I give Inna one lor. You ask me put according to index, with smallest on top, BUT THEY NEVER PASS UP WHAT, don't come anyhow say!" Wk, didn't expect EVERYONE in class to stare -.- Told you guys already - I HATE it when people say it's my fault, or tell me how to do things. I DON'T GIVE A CRAP, lor. Bet he also didn't expect that, but Fo lah. Iris, wah. You. Backed me up, too (: Although, you shouldn't have lah :D Had all our lessons conducted in the CT Venue(: YAYNESS, no need to move here and there. Only Mrs Lee/Mr Lim/Mrs Goh taught, today. Other than that, it was mostly slack time for us. Wlaus, suay enough, some people's phones got confiscated for a month by Liu Lao Shi. Way to go lah, people. Omg. Nevermind. 1 month nia. STILL CAN LIVE ! :D & It's either they're dumb enough to make it so obvious, or Liu Lao Shi got super-vision, lor. PEEKYTUREY TIME! (: - omg, this is awesome fun, manxz. *deleted these pictures because of some reason. Wna see 'em, ask me* Continued to Camwhore(: This time, used Karen's SE phone. BECAUSE I LOVE W910i CAMERAS, LAH. SUPER CLEAR, CANXZ. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() HERE SHE IS ! ... ![]() Ciaos! Two down, alot more to go. Monday, September 29, 2008 at 2:34 PM ![]() Okay, but the picture ^ was of the QR's lah. Too engrossed when they showed the Night race. Woo, Alonso got first ! Then Rosberg then Hamilton. ( ♥ ) YAYNESS. After round 15 of the Championship, Hamilton still leading by 7 points(: Unfortunate that Massa didn't get a place at the podium. And that Renault car ! Piquet was the driver, yeah? Although, I've still no idea why Barrichellos and Webber were out. OKAY, NEWAYS. Fo lah, screwed my Chinese paper up very badly, today. @#!%$ lor. Blardy comprehension. Ask until like !#$%. Actually, I only studied Chinese yesterday. (: Currently lazy to study, so gonna cancel all my tuitions. I'll start studying tomorrow - nono, Wednesday. :D & W , is you always somehow seem to disappear lor, I not making excuses ! I still have to stab you in the eye, okay. (: - I NEED SOUTHPARK/SIMPSONS to cheer me up, right now. Can't believe Fo-ing Russia actually banned SouthPark, Simpsons and Family Guy. THAT IS TOTALLY WEAK, MAN. & Idk why all of you seem to think I'm rich? :/ Well, it's mostly just because I spend excessively and don't seem to get myself in deep shiate for it. (: Saturday, September 27, 2008 at 9:12 PM
Yesterday, super-fun-time during Geog. Well, getting markers thrown at you, repeatedly, isn't one bit fun, But, considering the person who threw them... Yknw what I mean. & I can't believe it. It's so. Beyond words? Oh boy, you've got the ladies trippin' over you, now. Thursday, September 25, 2008 at 4:15 PM Okay, here's what's keeping me from Blogging:
Well, this EOY thing is only an excuse, because I've not started studying whatever. LAZY, CAN ! STILL GOT FEW MORE DAYS WHAT !! MAI KANCHEONG, HO BOH! I'll update this post, cancelling the subjects we've done. P.S.: I miss talking to L ): Byebyeness! Wednesday, September 24, 2008 at 5:16 PM ![]() Neways, EOY Paper One starts ... tomorrow. Revision? Preperation? NOT DONE. ): Lazy, lah. Okay, I'm the Queen of Procrastination, but what the hey. Moving on, I've discovered I've got dark circles round my eyes. Due to insufficient amount of sleep, really. (no worries!) Been sleeping a mere 3 or 4hrs on schooldays - staying up till 1 or 2 am to watch my beloved Teevee(: I'm like an owl - sleeping in the day, and staying up all night. Well, I've to pay the price by sleeping in Math/Chi class, but luckily, going on unnoticed. Well, except for this one unlucky time, yesterday, when 谢老师 asked me to "惠美, 起床!" Neways, went to the Gym during the last 2 periods. Prayer service, I guess? For the Sec 4s and 5s. Me, Ashleigh, Fionn sat on the chairs like extras! HAHA. Accompanied Fionn to the GO to fix [HAHA] her injured toe. First aid kit, so Made me super dulan. Still dare to label it as "SJAB" somemore. But, thanks to both of our abilities to be very, innovative people (very BHB, but who cares?), we managed to attend to her injury lah. I CAN BE SJAB, LEH ! Okay lah, maybe my bandage-wrapping [HUH?!] skills need improving, but still can, right! Agree?! :DD Stayed back until 4 with Neese, Abi, Mills, Angela. Until 4pm, because. -ahem- OKAY, so. When we finally decided to go back, we were so 'fascinated' by the poster-board thing at the bus-stop. ![]() Angela did wordplay, I guess. "Race the Elements" became "Race the I did "No Pit Stops" to become "No Pit S - Don't have a clue? FORGET IT, PURE-MINDED FREAKO. (: I love my life. Or, that's the way it seems to be. Tuesday, September 23, 2008 at 6:29 PM ![]() Just came back from school -had about 3hrs of Geography (but I don't mind, though). At least, got air con. HAHAHAHA. Charmane - she's gonna lose her balls tomorrow. Gonna kill her, okay. Go splash water on my whole bag and books! I know is she accidentally, and I've already screwed her over when I used RN's Nike waterbottle to get back at her. Although, it wet the whole bus stop, instead. GOT PEOPLE WATCH! Woohoo, free show. -bows- Neways, I've no mood to study, at all. STILL GOT ONE WEEK MORE, WHAT. SO KANCHEONG, SMLN*?! *dont uds, then nevermind. 靠, so much homework. And I never knew that asking the teacher to adjust the air-con, could ever be this sick: "TURN IT UP!!!" - Turn it up ; if you know what I mean. *winks* Sunday, September 21, 2008 at 11:17 PM ![]() well, mostly because I want to put the above picture on my blog here, display-display abit for a few days... ahem. Okay, so basically - I'M SICK ): Down with flu, I guess. Self-medicate! :D I don't know when's the next time I'll blog again, since the EOYs are getting closer, everyday. So, goodluck for your examinations, but remember - study hard, play harder ! (: I'll blog more often after EOYs !!! PROMISE ! So be sure to check back to my blog for updates! Maybe I'll put some lame 100-questionnaires and quizzes too(: So 法可 right, 我 inconveniently 生病了! ): &, technically, the above isn't vulgar, IT'S CHINESE, DUMB! Because, what can I say? *My Chinese is.. really poor.* LOLXZ. Saturday, September 20, 2008 at 9:59 PM Uh, there's nothing much for today. Tuition morning, tuition evening. ): BORED TO THE POINT OF INSANITY, CAN ! Anyways, went with mummy to Hougang Mall just now, after tuition. Actually, I just randomly asked her to bring me there - and she did. --" So, okay. Kai-kai-ed and bought a shirt that had the alphabets and their "functions" printed on a black tee, which said "Press Any Button on the Shirt & Enjoy the Fun" HEY, DON'T THINK SENGET, HOR!!! It's like... J - Tell a joke. H - Hug. etc. NOT. THAT. SICKO. PERVY. WAY. - stares at some people, ahem - ![]() ![]() - - TEE-SHIRTS !!! (:
Friday, September 19, 2008 at 5:09 PM ![]() No new surprises there, as always. Idk how can I score higher for my Chinese than English, lor. It's always been the other way around in RG. Anyways, today in school - bleagh, boring. Except in Geog class. OKAY, SORRY LAH. But I didn't aim that marker at you, leh! No, I don't need anymore forms. I've got plenty already. If you gave me anymore, I could start a collection, slowly becoming a museum. Yknw, like, I'll name it 'Jasmine's Museum of Colourful Booking Forms' or something. Neways, almost brought home a Hibiscus flower for the same purpose as the Blue Morning Glory. ![]() Millie: Eh, it can't be pollinated already. Jasmine: Huh, what? Why? Huh?!?! (Because, I catch no ball) Millie (swinging the top part of the flower): Like that, already. Jasmine (laughs like siao): WLAU! LOOK LIKE WHAT LEH! I swear, MillieEe is super cute, luh! And her name is awesome to write, too. 'M-I-L-L-I-E-E-E' See, "E" x 3. LOLXZ. JASMINE IS SO LAME, EVERYONE KNOWS(: ♥ Jeahsmine, says: i cant study from slides. ♥ Jeahsmine, says: stupid right. Everyone is so addicted to you. says: lol.you study from his face luh.right.haha ♥ Jeahsmine, says: HAHAHAHA I STUDY FROM TEXTBOOK LAH ! 'Jeahsmine' is nicer than 'Jasmine', right. Okay, that's my name! (: Thursday, September 18, 2008 at 7:39 PM ![]() Maybe a little bit of awesomeness in the morning, but that's about it. Why, in the morning? Sshh, it's my secret. LOL (I'm so lame) ! During Chem, Mrs Lee showed us how we could conduct our own experiments using Blue Morning Glory flowers to test for acids & alkali. So, Me, Regina, Karen, Eunice, Abirami, Valencia, Millie, Sihui took some flowers home to try it out! Muahahas. & when we were waiting for the 119/136 buses, we somehow played Odd-One-Out. "Hey! Odd one out, you not from OLN!" "Hey! Odd one out, you wearing different coloured earrings!" "Well, we're the same for 2 things - in uniform & our shoes have shoelaces (not velcros!)" Then, I said, "Got one more similarity. We've got ... !" THEN EVERYONE GO "EEEEEWWWWWW!!!" ME LOR! I was laughing my butt off lah. Anyways, the Blue Morning Glory flowers are, really ... blue? :/ ![]()
Woohoo, but I don't wanna test for acids/alkali. Because, I like the blue! I wanted to go in to kachiau the person, but it was locked ): Pffft. ![]() Took this yesterday, from my kitchen window(: & OH MY GODDDD! the motor was running, but it couldn't move when Eunice set it on the ground!!! But, I still wanna thank Eunice, lah. For being so enthu about the mobile toy(: ILH! Eunice: Eh, no offence, but you smell like chicken wings. Jasmine: HUH?! WHAT! Not me, lah. It's coming from the canteen! Eunice: Oh, really uh. Jasmine: ... OH YAH, my results for CT4, spells out atrocious with a capital 'A'. 7'A's & 2'B's. YUCKS, RIGHT ! ): I'm so loser. TOMORROW - CHINESE ORAL D: I'm so screwed for this. Wednesday, September 17, 2008 at 10:06 PM ![]() Sorry. This post kinda came a little late, as I was waiting for my mummy to finish work & come home to celebrate her birthday !!! I LOVE MY DEAREST MUMMY ! She's the best mum anyone can ever have. ![]() ![]() Okay, okay. I shall update tomorrow(: Tuesday, September 16, 2008 at 7:38 PM ![]() Hope tomorrow's going to be better - it's my mummy's birthday! (: School was as usual, today. Pfft. Bus-ed to Heartland mall with Millie ! WOOHOO. She's freaking cute lah, Zomg!!! ![]() Then, someone's bus ticket dropped out of the machine, AND MILLIE GOT A SHOCK, LEH ! Her face from -.- become O.O" LOR! Millie: Eh, I blow the ticket, it overturned leh! Jasmine: ... Anyways, met Eunice, Freda, Ruimin at Heartland mall. HAHA, 2 MORE SUPER CUTE PEOPLE & 1 MORE FUNNY FRIEND ! Super cute = Ruimin, Freda. Funny friend = Eunice. LOL. ![]() ![]() But, she gave me a 'what the hell are you doing, you retard?!' look when I took out my phone & took a pic of her ice-cream. HAHAHAHAHA. Bought somemore londy wires and nylon stockings, for fun (: MRT-ed home, myself. LEFT EARLY, HAD TUITION D: OH YEAH, I saw this video in Xiaxue's blog (: WARNING: This isn't for those 'innocent' type of people! So, if you can't stand bananas(both kinds) - ahem - and "vulgarities", then I suggest, you ignore this now. (: SURE AH, YOU WANT TO SEE? I WARN YOU ALREADY LOR, YOU TIO OFFENDED, DON'T COME AND MESS MY LIFE UP, OKAY ! - points finger at some people - ![]() Monday, September 15, 2008 at 5:56 PM ![]() I stayed back for no reason again, today (: WITH ANGELA, MILLIE AND KAREN! No, I didn't bring any camera magazines with me - but we still had fun, though (: First up, Mao/Wanlin "gave" me this pounded up packet of crumbs, which was supposed to be cookies, instead : ![]() Tasted it a little, and decided that it was quite okay, so I took 2 spoons & shared it with Angela (: Sat around and since my fingers were *itchy* (clear that sick image out of your mind, people), I decided to use that soft londy wire thing to make my name. (: ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() OH YAH, OH YAH ! HAIRSPRAY (: Awesome, lah . Managed to watch finish the whole thing. Teehees. Lazy to study right now, so I'm off to blogskinning(: ![]() |
For enquiries, e-mail me. ![]() ![]() 28th april ; fifteen . CHIJ St Joseph's Convent MSN • FACEBOOK I (heart) Super Junior. adela audition blog belinda bodyguards charmaine cheryl pay elissa e wen faith fang wen fidelia haidah hau yue hazel jacqueline jallene jane janice jasmine ng joey joyce kahhui kahmin keshwin lydia michelle natalie peiyi perlin rachel salwa shannon tyan-wei yiwen yixin yu shan yuen ping 1Grace class blog alison amanda ang angela bernice cally charmane cherisse cheryl yew chowmeimei desiree seng eunice elizabeth felicia fionn flora hai qi inna iris jaslyn foo jaslyn moh jiaqi jiemin jolyn judith li xin michiyo millie monisha nadiah nina qiaofang rachel ng rachel tong rachel wee regina siti amiera vanessa khoo vanessa tan vernetta wan lin zhi min kaiyun shawn's blogshop anna grace claudia han wee huay yee irwin jing wei ling pei yi qiqing shun sulin's shop teresa September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 February 2010 March 2010 April 2010 May 2010 |